When I was with Theodore, I absolutely adored him, but we were always a little bit off-sync. We worked great together in the club, but when it came to a personal relationship, things faltered. I shouldn’t have been sad when things ended. It was a long time ago at this point, but I was sad, and I did want more.

I wanted someone who would see me and love me for me.

Not for being the girl with the dead mom.

Not for being the girl who raised her brothers.

Not for being the super experienced submissive.

Tonight I feel like Jasper really sees me.

He helps me adjust me clothes and fix my corset, and then we go back into the club. The music hits my ears instantly, but it doesn’t stress me out. It calms me. I feel comfortable here, in this place. To me, Anchored isn’t just a place to play and pick up guys. It’s a place where I can actually be myself, where I can ask for what I need, and where I can be supported by people who understand what I’m going through.

Jasper holds my hand as we make our way inside the main room and head back to where June is training the new bartendress, Amelia. Amelia looks comfortable with her new role, and I get the feeling she’s going to do just fine here. She’s wearing a dark red corset that matches June’s, and the two of them make quite a pretty pair. Amelia smiles as we approach, and June looks up at us.

“Can I get you something, pretty girl?” June asks, looking from me to Jasper and back again. Her eyes hold questions and a little bit of a twinkle. June plays innocent, but she’s as much of a troublemaker as I am sometimes. You have to be a little bit of a troublemaker to dream up a place like Anchored, after all. June is mischievous and I think that’s why we get along so well.

“Actually,” I tell her carefully. “I just wanted to let you know that I’m going home for the night.”

“Is that right?” June asks. “It’s early. Are you feeling okay?”

“Yes, I’m okay,” I tell her. “Just, you know…time to head home for me,” I say awkwardly. June cocks her head, trying to figure out what I’m telling her.

Jasper clears his throat.

“With Jasper,” I say finally, blushing a little. “I’m going home with Jasper. We’re going to his place, actually. I just wanted to let you know that, you know, I’ll be with Jasper tonight.”

Instantly, June’s demeanor changes and her eyes narrow. She might be a submissive with Ryder, but June is a classic switch and can play the perfect Domme when she wants to.

“Don’t fuck with her, Jasper,” June says.

She doesn’t try to talk me out of thi

s. She doesn’t try to say it’s a bad idea or that Jasper hurt me in the past. June is all about second chances and forgiveness and moving forward, but she’s also very take-charge and confident. She’s not about to let Jasper mess with one of the submissives at her club.

Jasper’s body stills at her words.

“I mean it. You hurt her, then I’ll hurt you, and I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but I’ve got an entire club full of hunky, muscular men who are more than willing to help me do it. Got it?”

A couple of Doms nearby turn to look at us, obviously wondering what’s caused sweet, mild-mannered June to be so suddenly intense. One of them nods knowingly, letting us know that yes, he will kick Jasper’s ass if necessary.

It’s moments like this I feel lucky to be a part of this club.

Something as simple as going home with a guy doesn’t have to be this big, scary thing. I have the support and love of my friends at the club. No matter what happens tonight, they’ve got my back, and they’re all rooting for me.

Just knowing that makes me feel better, stronger.

It makes me feel like I’ve got the world at my fingertips.

“Understood,” Jasper says. He doesn’t look scared of June, but I’m not sure how that’s possible because right now, even I’m scared of June, even just a little.

She looks back at me and smiles.

“Have a lovely time, you two,” she winks, suddenly all smiles again. We turn to leave, but she calls after me. “Oh, and Odessa? Call me in the morning, okay?”

“You got it,” I say.

Then Jasper and I leave the club and head to his place.