I wouldn’t want to be anywhere near a feuding couple when they’re dealing with the biggest decision of their life, but he takes it in stride. He’s has some big wins and his office shows that. His furniture is dark, sleek. It’s sexy, if furniture could ever be called sexy. Everything is black leather or dark burgundy.

If I was a young, female submissive walking in here, I’d be fucking scared as hell, but Anthony likes that.

Finally, his call ends, and he hangs up the phone.

“What?” He asks.

“Anthony,” I say. “We have a situation.”

“Tony,” he says, pointing at the name plate on his desk. “I go by Tony now. Why do you still call me Anthony?”

He started going by Tony after graduation because he thinks it sounds more intimidating and badass than Anthony. Honestly, I still call my friend by his full name because it pisses him off, but his mother loves it. It scores me brownie points all around, and Anthony’s mom makes a mean chocolate cheesecake.

“Because you hate it.”

“Fine. What’s the problem?” He sighs, resigned to his fate.

“I want to go back.”

“To Anchored?” Now Anthony smiles. He looks like I just promised him a puppy.


“What changed your mind?” He’s already on his computer, typing away, and I know he’s emailing the owner to get me an interview. Anthony has already walked me through the process of becoming a full member and I’m not scared of the cost or commitment required.

“I’m ready,” I tell him. “I’m ready to find someone. It’s been a long time. I’ve been single for awhile and I don’t see any reason to keep waiting. There’s never going to be a perfect time to get involved in a relationship. There’s never going to be a perfect woman or a perfect situation. Life happens whether I’m ready or not and right now, I feel ready.”

“Good,” Anthony looks up at me and smiles. “You can go to the clinic tomorrow on your lunch break and your psychological assessment is scheduled for Thursday. If your psych eval looks good, you should be able to come with me on Saturday.”

“Doesn’t it take awhile to get the test results back? From the doctor’s office, I mean.”

“Seven to ten days,” he says. “You won’t be able to get physical with anyone on Saturday, but you’ll still be able to come watch.”

“That’s allowed? Seems like something the club would be pretty strict on.”

“I’m very close with the owner.”

“Who’s the owner?” I ask, suspiciously. Anthony has mentioned their friendship a few times, but I’ve never met the guy.

“The owner is very private,” Anthony says, his face suddenly going blank. It’s his lawyer face: the one he usually reserves for clients. I’m a bit surprised to see that look right now during what was a friendly conversation, but I know Anthony well enough to know he means business. He’s not going to talk about the owner anymore.

“Well, thank you for helping me get my foot in the door. I appreciate it. I know these places usually have a long waiting list and a vetting process that can be a nightmare.”

“I would do anything for you, Zack.”

“I know, and I feel the same way about you, Tony.”

He’s surprised to see me use his nickname, but he smiles.

“I have a client meeting in five,” he tells me. “But let’s have dinner before we go to the club on Saturday.”

“It’s a date.”

Chapter 5


By the time I drop Bennett off at Susan’s house, fix my hair and makeup, and get to Anchored, it’s already after ten. The club opens at nine and the fun is in full swing before midnight. Most of the players at Anchored have full-time jobes and families, so they want to make the most of their playtime at the club. It’s not like a lot of dance clubs where showing up before midnight is a no-go.