Page 58 of Dark Favors

“You need to relax,” Amber told me. “You need to stop looking for her.” Amber was wearing a floor-length light blue ball gown that accentuated her curves and showed off her soft features. She looked lovely, and if my sister had been around, I knew that she would have chosen a dress identical to Amber’s. The two of them loved dressing alike and putting on a good show.

“He sent her a dress, you know,” Caleb pointed out. My secretary slash assistant was dressed to kill. His date had wandered off to get a drink, so he was standing with Amber and me, keeping us company, and perhaps trying to make sure that I didn’t do anything too silly, crazy, or horrible.

“A little pathetic,” Amber said. She looked at me, not-so-silently judging me. “You need to stop worrying about her.”

“He did break her heart,” Caleb said. “He deserves to suffer a little bit.”

“Suffering isn’t good for anyone, no matter how much of an asshole they are,” Amber said.

“All right, all right,” I said, shaking my head. I took a step back, looking at my two assistants. “I know,” I said. “I fucked up.”

“That’s putting it lightly,” Amber rolled her eyes, and I closed mine. I had to keep telling myself that I could do this. Tonight was for my sister. It wasn’t for anyone else. It was a gala designed to show off art by local artists, and to sell paintings to raise money for local charities. Rebecca had loved helping people, and I wanted to do the same thing today.

“Maybe she’ll come,” Caleb said. “You never know.”

I appreciated that he was taking pity on me, but I knew they were both right. There was no point in me even hoping she’d make an appearance because honestly, I didn’t deserve that much. I’d taken everything from Paige. I’d destroyed her. Seeing Fawn was evidence of that. She’d made it clear that I had hurt Paige more deeply than I could possibly imagine, and I hated myself for that.

“Lovely evening,” Annabelle Reagan walked by. She raised a champagne glass and smiled at me. She didn’t stop, though. She just kept moving, undoubtedly working the room for real estate leads. That was what Annabelle did. She was a shark in every way: very different from her little sister.

I looked around at all of the people admiring the art displayed at the show. I appreciated that so many local business people had come out to take part and to enjoy the night. People were mingling, talking, drinking, and buying, and that was what was important.

Suddenly, Caleb let out a long, low breath.

“Well, fuck me silly,” he muttered.

I turned to see what he was looking at, and I was shocked to see that it was her.

It was Paige.

She had come.

And she’d worn the dress.

She looked like a goddess in the burgundy material. Her dark hair was piled on top of her head and a few strands hung loose in little curls. Her makeup was perfect, and she was wearing a pair of shoes I’d carefully selected to compliment the dress.

It was beautiful in every way.

She was beautiful in every way.

She didn’t look in my direction, though. She didn’t even make eye contact, as much as I silently begged her to. Instead, she headed for the front of the room, past the band, and past the auctioneer, and she walked straight up onto the stage and took the microphone out of its stand.

“Excuse me,” she said.

Instantly, the band stopped. This wasn’t part of the script. Everyone knew this wasn’t part of the show, so what was happening? The auction was scheduled to start in ten minutes, but right now, people were buying other pieces that weren’t up for auction. They were talking with one another. A few people had been dancing.

All of that came to a grinding halt.

Now all eyes were on her.

“My name is Paige Key,” she said. “And I?

??d like to thank Mr. Nathan Locke for putting on such a wonderful show tonight. Can we hear a round of applause for Mr. Locke?”

She started clapping, and although nobody else seemed to know who she was, she managed to get everyone excited, and they started clapping, too. Even Caleb and Amber clapped along. Caleb looked at me, raising one eyebrow, as if to say, “Who knew?”

I certainly didn’t. Paige was brave. I’d give her that much. Most people didn’t have the guts to get up and speak in front of a huge group of people, especially a group of strangers.

“Mr. Locke organized tonight in memory of his sister, Rebecca. Now, I never had the chance to meet Miss Locke, but if she was anything like her brother, than I think it’s safe to say she was probably a really incredible person.”