Page 45 of Dark Favors

“That’s quite the power move,” I pointed out.

“Perhaps,” he said, and a little smile crept onto his face. Then he reached for me, and he pulled me close, and he kissed me. “I needed you here with me,” he whispered. “Thank you for coming.”

I was shocked to hear him say that, and I looked up at him. He was watching me carefully.

“Does it upset you to hear me say that?”


“Then what?”

“I’m just surprised.”

“Why? You know I care for you.”

“I don’t know that at all,” I pointed out. “You call me into your office to work for you because I owe you,” I said. “But you’ve never indicated that you care.”

“I’m pretty sure eating your pussy until you have a screaming orgasm on my face says otherwise.”

I blushed, but shook my head.

“I didn’t scream,” I muttered.

“The executives on the 24th floor would beg to disagree.”

“They heard that?” I gasped, hitting Locke on the chest. “How the hell did they hear that? I’m so quiet!”

“You aren’t as quiet as you think, darling,” he laughed and shook his head. “Come.”

He reached for my hand and led me back inside.

“I want to give you a tour,” he said, and he did. He showed me the property, and it was just as beautiful as I thought it was going to be. There were two huge kitchens with big, wonderful ovens and countertops. There were cabinets filled with beautiful dishes. There was a library on the first floor, and there were at least a dozen bedrooms upstairs. We ended up in the master bathroom at one point, and I couldn’t quite wrap my head around it.

“This is bigger than my bedroom,” I pointed out.

“Which room in the house is yours?” He asked. I realized that he hadn’t been inside since Fawn and I moved in.

“The one on the north side,” I said.

“Ah,” he smiled. “I should have known. That’s a beautiful one. The sunlight comes in so nicely in the mornings.”

“Right?” I agreed readily. “I was nervous at first since the window is so big. I thought about getting those darkness know, the blackout ones?”

“I know the ones,” he said. “But that would be a pity.”

“I agree,” I said, smiling. Then I turned back to the bathroom. It had the world’s biggest tub. Seriously. The bathtub was bigger than my entire bed. “I bet we could both fit in there,” I told him.

“In the tub?”

“Haven’t you ever wanted to know how many people could fit in there?”

He shook his head.

“Honestly, the thought never occurred to me,” he said.

“I bet that’s what your trespassers were doing this morning,” I said. “They probably heard about your incredible bathtub and wanted to sneak a peek.”

He laughed, smiling. That mop of hair shook ever-so-slightly as he did, and I smiled. It was good to hear Locke laugh. He did it so rarely. He was forever Mr. Serious, forever the man carrying the weight of the world on his shoulders.