Page 33 of Dark Favors


I couldn’t let myself look at him. He was going to be my undoing. I knew it.

“Paige, don’t make me say it again.”

His voice was steely that time. Commanding. He was going to make me obey whether I wanted to or not, and I had to do what he said. That was the beautiful thing about it, wasn’t it? He was going to make me do whatever he wanted, and I’d do it because he had something I wanted.

My dad.

He knew all about my dad.

I didn’t know how, and he might never tell me, but no one had ever dangled a carrot like that before in front of me, and I wasn’t going to mess it up. There was no chance I’d make the mistake of letting that slip by.

I’d do whatever he wanted if it meant I’d get some answers.

I pushed away from the desk and stood up, and then I started to take a step toward him.

“Stop,” he said. There was something about his tone that made me stop instantly. I looked up at him, then. Finally, I met his gaze. Yeah, the guy looked horny as fuck. My eyes dropped quickly to his cock and back up to his face. Hard. He was hard. He’d gotten hard and there was nothing between us anymore except for a few feet of open space and his boxers.

What was he going to tell me to do?

A delicious yearning stirred deep within me as I waited to see what he’d say. He was going to push me, I knew. There was no real reason that I understood that except for it was so like him. Locke was that type of person. He pushed everyone, not just me, but he’d chosen me as his toy for some reason, and I was going to do what he liked.

“You made me wait,” he said.

“Maybe you like waiting,” I offered helpfully.

“I don’t,” he said. Even though his voice was serious, I detected the hint of a smile in it. Okay, so maybe he thought I was a little bit funny. I could work with that. “On your knees,” he said.

“What?” That got my attention.

“On your knees,” he said. “Be a good girl, Paige. Crawl to me.”

Out of all of the people I’d dated in my life, nobody had called me a good girl and expected me to crawl to them on the floor. Locke and I weren’t dating, but for some reason, the idea of being good for him, of obeying him, was so wildly appealing that I wasn’t surprised to find myself listening to him.

I dropped to the floor in my dress and ballet flats, and I started crawling. My knees didn’t hurt because there was a carpet in the center of the room. It was thick and fluffy and wonderful, and as I made my way across the floor, I was glad that I’d decided to wear panties that morning.

“Kneel,” he said when I reached him. Again, I obeyed. I knelt with my knees pressed together and my bottom resting on my heels. Then I looked up at him.

Yeah, the guy was all cock. I almost couldn’t see his face.

He stepped forward so that his toes were pressed up against my knees, and he looked down at me.

“You’re beautiful, Paige,” he said.

“Thank you.”

“Do you see what you’re doing to me?”

“You mean your dick?” I asked. “Why, Mr. Locke,” I said teasingly. “Have you been thinking about kissing me?”

“Oh, Paige,” he said. “I’ve been thinking about a lot more than that.”

He had?

“You have?”

“Oh, yes,” he said. He started rubbing his cock over the boxers, and almost on cue, my panties were soaked. Okay, so the way to a man’s heart might be through his stomach, but the way to my panties was definitely watching this guy rub his dick. I’d never really been into porn where the guy masturbates, but if it was anything like Locke touching himself, I needed to reconsider my viewing preferences.