Page 32 of Dark Favors

I’d never felt greedy about sex before, but I sure as fuck felt it now. I didn’t understand how he had such a wild effect on me. Nobody else had ever made me feel like that before. Nobody else had made me feel like I was dying and being born at the same time. When I was around Locke, I felt wild.

I felt feral.

When he was close, it was like all of my instincts just became overwhelming. Instead of being demure and polite and kind and normal, I wanted to kick out the tailor and have Locke all to myself.

His eyes locked on mine, and for some reason, I felt like he was reading my mind. That was crazy, though. Right? That was stupid. He couldn’t tell what I was feeling, no matter how horny I was. There wasn’t a chance.

“I’m being measured,” he said, as though it was the simplest explanation in the world.


“Because I need a new suit.”

“I feel like you have enough suits,” I said.

“You can never have enough suits, Paige.”

“Someone like you can. You must have one for every day of the week.”

The tailor chuckled, and Locke glared in his general direction. The guy must have known, even though he didn’t look up, because he cleared his throat.

“Almost finished, Mr. Locke.”

“Thank you,” Locke said. Then he turned his gaze back to me. “You can set your things on the desk,” he said. I understood his point perfectly well. I wasn’t supposed to be on the phone during our time together. I was supposed to give him my complete attention. I was supposed to be his little toy, or his little worker, whic

hever word felt more appropriate for his needs at the moment.

Sometimes I felt like arguing. What would he do if I told him no? Surely he wouldn’t spank me in front of the tailor.

Would he?

Something about Locke wasn’t quite right. He was just as wild as an animal sometimes. He might look nice, and he might be handsome, but there was something about Locke that other people didn’t know. I had seen the look in his eyes that I’d seen in other men before: wild men. Locke was powerful, and rich. He was wealthy.

He could do whatever he wanted to do.

He could take whatever he wanted to take.

I had the feeling that he’d do it, too. You had to watch out if you were going to be around Locke. You had to know where to draw the line. Would he spank me in front of the tailor? Absolutely. I knew that he would.

That was why I didn’t get all bratty with him. I just set my stuff on his desk, and then I headed to the little desk he had in the corner for me. I didn’t say anything else to him. I just sat down, opened the files on the desktop, and started typing.

He watched me from his position in the center of the room. I didn’t let myself look up at him, but it didn’t matter. I could tell. I could feel his gaze on me. It was a good sort of feeling, too. When he looked at me, I got the feeling that he wanted me. That made me even more anxious than I already was.

Eventually, the tailor finished and left the room, but I didn’t look up at Locke. He was still in his underwear, and he was still hanging out in the center of the room. I heard the door click, but I kept my eyes on the computer in front of me.

“Paige,” he said.

“Yes, Mr. Locke?” I didn’t look up.

I couldn’t.

“Come here,” he said.

“Do you need something, Mr. Locke?” I asked. Again, I kept looking at the computer.

