“What do you want?” I ask. I can’t help but be a little bit curious. I’m not used to being begged. In my life, I’m the one who does the begging. Not the other way around.

“Please,” the demon says. “I can help you.”

“Doubt it,” I say, and I punch him in the gut. The demon groans, and the sound fills me with satisfaction. I did this. I hurt him. I hurt someone else simply because I wanted to.

“I can help you get payback,” the demon says. This time, I hold my punch.

This time, I wait.

This time, I’m a little bit curious as to what he has to say.

“Well? I’m listening.”


THE LADY GOING THROUGH Luther’s things is tall and pretty. A fae. She’s a fae. Definitely. She’s tall and thin, like my mom was. Her eyes sparkle and shine just as much as her skin does. She looks like she’s got glitter on her. It’s pretty cool, actually. I peek out from my hiding spot as she searches. I wonder what she’s looking for.

“Fuck,” she says, kicking some things on the floor, and I cringe. Luther doesn’t like foul language. He doesn’t let me swear at all. I don’t think it’s very fair, but that’s why he’s the one in charge and I’m not. I peer out at the lady, but she doesn’t notice me. It’s kind of strange. She has an amulet, too, so she should see me, but she doesn’t. I think she’s looking for something, but I don’t know what.

She throws something down, peers behind a couple of other items. She picks stuff up and sets it down again gently. She’s in a little bit of a hurry, but that doesn’t bother me. I’m used to hiding. I’m used to being patient. Mom always said I was really good at hiding. When we’d play Hide and Seek, she could never find me. Neither could Dad.

Luther doesn’t play this game, but that’s okay. I don’t know where he was taken or why he’s gone, but I think this lady might know.

She notices something on the wall. A picture. I hold my breath because I know what’s behind that picture. Does she? She can’t know. How could she? Luther’s greatest secret is back there and I know he wouldn’t tell anyone.

Not about that.

I close my eyes for a second, hoping she won’t find it, but she does. She moves the picture and looks at it for a minute before she notices the opening behind it. Luther keeps his secret book back there. It’s the one that has his spells and enchantments. It’s the book he uses for everything ever.

And now she has it.

The woman flips through it and seems a little confused that the pages are blank, but that’s on purpose. Luther has enchanted the pages, but I might be the only person left alive who knows that. I don’t think Luther is still alive. I don’t think he’s okay. I think Wyatt has taken him and if Luther isn’t already dead, he’s about to be.

And when that happens, I’ll be all alone.


SHE STANDS IN FRONT of the mirror and twirls around. Lovely. She’s lovely. Everything about Rose is so absolutely perfect that sometimes, I don’t know what to do. I could spend the rest of my life making love to her. I could spend the rest of my life just kissing her, holding her. I could spend the rest of my life touching her. I want to spread her out on my bed and just worship her body because Rose is the most wonderful thing I’ve ever seen.

I want her.

All of her.


“Come here,” I say to her. Rose turns and smiles, but she runs to me just the same. She places her palms on my chest and when she smiles at me, I feel like my entire heart is going to explode.

She satisfies me in ways I never thought possible.

She makes me feel like I could be more than a king.

She makes me feel like I could be a hero.


Sophie Stern loves cowboys, soldiers, and shifters. When she’s not busy writing, she’s got her nose buried in a book. Sophie lives with her husband and two little boys who are always keeping her on her toes.

You can connect with Sophie through her website or on Facebook.