“There’s nothing wrong with bragging.”

“Says the world’s softest vampire.”

“Hey,” I said. “I’m not soft.”

“Really?” She asked. “You don’t think it’s soft that you didn’t kill me for messing up your order of blood?”

“I wouldn’t kill you for that.”

“Maybe not. Someone like Norman would have.”

She had an uncanny ability to identify my brother’s greatest strengths and weaknesses. Maybe it wasn’t very fair that I picked on him or that I didn’t believe in him. Perhaps it was cruel I considered him to be such a risk. Most siblings got along very well, at least from what I’d seen. Juliet certainly seemed to be fond of her brother. I wasn’t sure whether I should feel relieved or horrified that Juliet had immediately identified my brother as a villain.

She was right, though.

He wouldn’t have thought twice about killing her.

“Norman and I have very different opinions on the world.”


“He doesn’t mind using people to get what he wants.”

“And you think people aren’t objects,” she said. She finished eating her food and pushed the plate away, but she didn’t move from her spot on the floor. I stooped down to grab the plate. I set it on the dresser by the door, and then I grabbed her hand and pulled her to her feet.

“Well?” I asked her.

“Well what?”

“How was dinner?”

“Good,” she told me.

“The best meal you’ve ever had?”

“Actually, yes,” she said. “But only because Matt couldn’t cook, and neither can I.”

“You can’t cook?”

“Not really,” she shrugged. “I’m busy with work, and cooking is a luxury for people who have free time.”

“Well,” I said. “I guess it’s a good thing you’re going to get some rest.”

“Am I?”

“Maybe a little,” I said, stepping closer to her.

She smelled good.


Juliet looked up at me and licked her lips. He eyes darted from my mouth to my eyes and back again. She wanted me to kiss her. Oh, I wanted to kiss her, too, and I wasn’t one to deny myself the things that I wanted most. I brought my lips to hers and kissed her right there in the bedroom. One of my hands fisted her hair and the other found her waist. I tugged her closer to myself, pressing my body against hers.

She was soft and perfect and feminine, and I wanted more. Craved more.

I was no rapist.

I wasn’t going to take her without her permission. I hadn’t supported humans being forced into vampiric servitude and I hadn’t supported humans being used as feeding vessels. I wasn’t going to force her to fuck me. We did have an arrangement, however, and I planned to take what I wanted from her body even if it wasn’t claiming her pussy. I was going to feed from the pretty human over and over. I had tried not to. I had tried to let her mourn for her brother a little and recover from her encounter with mine, but I needed her, and I had the distinct impression that she needed me, too.