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Don’t Date Demons

DID YOU ENJOY READING about a thief’s wonderful adventures in By Hook or By Wolf?

I have another paranormal story out starring a thief who is thrust into an adventure she didn’t ask for. Don’t Date Demons has magic, mystery, and a little bit of mayhem. If you like shifters, demons, angels, and vampires, this is the book for you! Get your copy wherever eBooks are sold or keep reading to check out chapter one.

Chapter One


The dark building looms over me, but I’m not afraid. I glance at it casually, almost in passing. On any other day, I’d be fascinated by the intricate architecture and the elaborate design of the structure. Usually, I’d want to know how it all came together. I’d analyze it, evaluating every angle and decorative flair.

Today is different, though.

Today I’m on a mission.

Right now, I’m too focused to care about the fact that I’m closer to the Mountain than most people get in a lifetime. The building that houses the King of the Vampires isn’t a place people go casually.

Or at all.

If you’re going to the Mountain, it’s because you’re important, you know someone who is, or you pissed off someone who is.


I’m none of those things.

I’m better than that.

At least, I like to think I am.

I slink around the side of the building and look out for monsters. Here in the darkness, they tend to be everywhere, but they aren’t out tonight. Not the way they usually are. It’s strange and it makes me feel just the slightest bit uncomfortable. It’s not supposed to be this easy.

It’s never this easy.

The hairs on the back of my neck rise up, but I ignore the sensation, choosing instead to keep moving swiftly, carefully. With determination and sheer endurance, I move to the West entrance. The guard is gone, as promised, and I slip the key from my pocket. It’s old and rusty and much too outdated for a place this pristinely perfect, but the King has always been a cocky son-of-a-bitch. He’s not the type of person who thinks anyone would dare approach him or break into his palace.

Then again, he’s not really a person at all.

A voice in my head sounds.

“Songbird, hurry up. You have twelve seconds.”

Ignoring the voice, I don’t respond. Instead, I focus on slipping the key into the crumbling lock and turning it. No one uses this entrance anymore. In fact, despite having a regularly posted guard, I’d guess no one has used it in years. It makes this the perfect choice for entering the Mountain. The “impenetrable” fortress has long been a place where good souls go to vanish. It’s also supposedly the home of one of the greatest tr

easure rooms in existence.

Not that I’m planning on being here long enough to enjoy it.

This place is known for its incredible beauty, but it’s also known for the monster who runs it.

Derek, King of the Vampires, takes no prisoners. We all know this. More importantly, we all respect it.

Well, some of us do.

Others, like me, take advantage of it.

If he catches me, he’s going to kill me. He’s not going to let me live to regret my choices, so I might as well enjoy them all. This makes for an interesting life and tonight, it makes for an interesting adventure.