Page 41 of By Hook or by Wolf

The Bear’s Virgin Mate

The Bear’s Virgin Bride

The Polar Bear’s Baby

The Tiger’s Baby

The Jaguar’s Baby

Each story is wonderfully sexy and has a guaranteed HEA.

Check out Hope and Wyatt’s story now wherever eBooks are sold or keep reading for a sneak peek of Chapter One of The Bear’s Virgin Darling.

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Chapter One



That’s my name.

My parents struggled for years to have a baby and then finally, they had me. They named me Hope to remind themselves that things can always get better. No matter how tough life gets, there’s always a way to make things better.


It doesn’t matter if you’re old or young or skilled or uneducated. No matter what you’re going through, you can get through it.

As I grip the steering wheel of my beat-up Saturn so hard I think my hands might bleed, their words run through my mind.

“Sorry, Mama,” I whisper. “There’s no hope this time.”

The highway is empty and I’ve been driving for hours. I still have at least two to go until I reach beautiful, isolated, far-from-home Honeypot, Colorado.

I don’t know a damn thing about the town except that it’s a 12-hour drive from my rink-a-dink hometown in Missouri and that I have a job interview with some ranch.

Like I know anything about ranching.

That doesn’t matter though. I learned this great skill in drama class called “fake it ‘til you make it,” and that’s exactly what I plan to do.

Holbrook can kiss my ass and so can Jacob Clint. Did he really think I wouldn’t find out he was fucking my best friend?

Did she?

It’s been a month since I caught them fooling around, but the pain hasn’t dimmed. It took me a whole month to sell my stuff, give my landlord ample notice I was leaving, and set up this damn job interview.

I applied for a few gigs closer to home, but when I saw the posting for a ranch hand in Colorado, I couldn’t resist applying. I’m still shocked they liked my application. I’m still shocked they called me.

Granted, I could show up tomorrow and they might tell me to get lost, but it’s something new, something different, something brave.

It’s something to keep my mind off how badly my heart hurts.

I hope Jacob and Margaret are very happy together in hell.

I press the gas pedal a little bit harder.

I can’t wait to get to Nowhere, Colorado. Not too much further now. I blast my music and stare out the window, driving with one hand down the highway. My car is loaded with my life’s belongings. I sure as hell hope I get the job because if I don’t, I’m going to be stuck in Colorado with no house, no job, and no boyfriend.