Page 29 of By Hook or by Wolf

I’ve jumped into this place many times before, but tonight it feels different.

Tonight it feels right.

Tonight, I think I’m about to take off on a wonderful adventure.

Friday can’t come soon enough.

Chapter Ten


“What do you think?” I spin around in a circle, staring at my dress in the mirror. It’s a soft shade of blue and I think it brings out my eyes. Rebecca, ever the romantic, squeals in delight.

“Mom,” she says. “You’re going to knock ‘em dead.”

“That kind of defeats the purpose of dating,” I say drily, but she only laughs. Rebecca is weirdly okay with the idea of me going out with three guys at once. I thought about hiding this from her, but we’ve known polyamorous families before and one of her friends has three moms, so it didn’t seem like a terrible idea to fill her in.

Besides, I like having an honest relationship with my kid. If I want her to be honest with me, then I’m going to show her that same respect.

It’s only fair.

Soon I’m done primping and getting ready. Jan arrives and I hug Rebecca goodbye. Jan scowls at me so deeply that it’s almost amusing, but I’m not really upset. She’s a great babysitter and she’ll quickly get over the fact that I’m going on a date. If she

doesn’t, then it’ll be time to find someone new. Besides, Rebecca is in middle school. She’s almost too old for a babysitter, anyway.

I head outside, hop in my car, and drive to the restaurant Trevor texted me about.

To be honest, I’ve been texting Trevor a lot this week. It’s been really wonderful to get to know him on a deeper level. I haven’t had the same level of communication with his brothers, but that’s okay. That’s what tonight is all about. Trevor seems like he’s the sweet, gentle one of the boys. Cody and Lee may be kind, too, but they’re also much more Alpha.

They seem purely masculine.

Almost too masculine.

And there’s no doubt in my mind that tonight, we’re going to do more than just eat dinner. Tonight we’re going to let ourselves go completely. Entirely. We all need this: most of all, me.

It’s been a long time since I was with anyone. In fact, I haven’t slept with anyone since Henry passed away. The reality is that Henry left big shoes to fill. Whoever I sleep with, whoever I date: they’re going to have to be half as cool as he was.

Maybe it’s going to take three men to fill the void my husband left behind.

When I get to the restaurant, I stop in the parking lot and look in the mirror only long enough to make sure my makeup still looks great. If I sit in the car too long, I’m going to chicken out.

And I’m no chicken.

I hurry up to the front of the restaurant, and they’re there.

Waiting for me.

Three big, tall, handsome men.

“Hello,” I say, suddenly feeling breathless.

Suddenly feeling nervous.

They eye me up and down appreciatively. Each of them looks me over, smiling and nodding in acceptance.

“Good evening, Natasha,” Lee steps forward. He kisses me lightly on the cheek. “You look completely fuckable,” he whispers in my ear. I blush, but the words go straight to my core.
