“What is it, Mama?”

“If your Daddy ever tries to hurt Adalee, you have to protect her, okay?”

Hurt her?

Why would Dad ever try to hurt her?

Then I think of Spike. I think of how my father hurt my dog when I didn’t expect it. That’s when I know that I have to make this promise.

I have to do whatever it takes to keep Adalee safe from my father, from my enemies, from everyone.

“I promise, Mama.”

“If he takes away her money for school, it’s okay. I’ve already talked to the school, and I’ve set up a way for her education to be paid for, okay? I want Adalee to have a good life, Harrison. I want you to have a good life, too.”

“Thank you, Mama,” I whisper, but then I start to cry because I realize this is probably going to be the last time I ever see my mother, and I’m not ready to say goodbye to her.

I’m not ready for any of this.

The idea that Adalee and I might have somehow found a way to make a relationship between us work feels impossible, and incredible.

“I need to tell you something,” I tell her.

It’s on the edge of my tongue. I should admit everything. I should tell her that my mother has been watching over her from beyond the grave. I should tell her that I’ve kept a close eye on the guys who have been interested in her.

I’ve personally made sure that nobody fucks with her. Every fucking guy at Crescent Academy knows that if he messes with Adalee, he messes with me. Maybe this has limited her dating prospects, but then again, maybe not. She wasn’t a virgin yesterday, so maybe I didn’t do as good of a job protecting her from assholes as I thought I did.

“What is it?” She whispers, and her eyes are wide and bright and she’s looking at me like I’m going to save her from everything, and that’s the problem.

I want to.

I want to save her.

I want to rescue her from everything I possibly can.

Including the pain of knowing that I’ve been hiding her past from her. I know she wonders where she’s come from. I guess I’ve always just hoped that there would be a good time to tell her.

Is this it?

Is this the right time?

Will there ever be a more appropriate time than now?

Suck it up, buttercup.

“I need bigger balls,” I finally say, choking out an awkward laugh.

“What?” She looks confused, and then she glances down. “I mean, they’re fine,” she says carefully.

“Fine?” Now I’m suddenly self-conscious, and I, too, risk a glance. Then I shake my head. “No, not that. I mean, I need to be more confident and blunt.”

“Oh,” she blushes. “About what?”

“About...Adalee, I need to tell you something.”

“What is it? Harrison, you’re scaring me. I mean, are you going to tell me that you filmed this or something? Or that this was some sort of bet?”

“Sounds like you’ve been watching too many 90s teen flicks.”