
And girlfriend?


My head is spinning just thinking about it, but yeah, that’s exactly what I want.

And no, I will never tell my father.

He can’t know.

My dad has a lot of secrets from everyone. He plays his cards close to his chest: probably because he’s a total prick. If he found out about Adalee, well, that would be the end of Adalee. He’d do something shitty, like force us to break up or stop paying her tuition. At least, he’d try.

What he doesn’t know is my mother has a failsafe in place for Adalee’s protection. That’s something she confided to me long ago. She was dying, and she knew it. We all knew it. She was about to give in to cancer’s cruel game, and she called me to her room.

“I don’t want you to worry about Adalee,” she whispers. Her voice is choking and rough. It won’t be long now.


“I know your father doesn’t like her.”

“I know, Mama, but I don’t know why.”

“It doesn’t matter why, but I need you to know something, Harrison.”

“What is it, Mama?”

“You can never tell anyone.”

“I won’t.”

“Promise me.”

“I promise, Mama.”

“If your father tries to hurt her, I’m leaving her something that no one can take away from her.”

“What are you leaving, Mama?”

“I’m leaving her some money, Harrison. Adalee’s mother and I were very good friends, once upon a time.”

That’s news to me. I didn’t know that my mother knew Adalee’s mom. I didn’t know they were close. I didn’t know any of that.

“Is that why she came to live here?”

“She was dying: just like I am now. I told her Adalee could come and that I would take care of her little girl.”

“But why didn’t Daddy tell her?”

“Your father will never tell her, Harrison, and you can’t, either. Not if you know what’s good for you.”

“Okay, Mama.”

It doesn’t make sense. Doesn’t Adalee deserve to know why she came to live with us? I’ve seen her thinking about it. Sometimes she doesn’t know that I’m watching her, but I can tell. She gets this look on her face where she’s just...really, really sad.

And my heart aches for her.

“Harrison, if your father...”