“So,” I agreed quietly.

It wasn’t often that you had a second chance to find someone you connected with, but I’d found that with Kinsley. I’d been given a special opportunity by the world to love her, and I wasn’t about to blow that.

“Can I ask you to dinner?” I said.

“Why, Gregory, it sounds like you’re asking me on another date.”

“I am.”

“Sounds like things are getting pretty serious.”

“They are.”

“Sounds like you might have a little crush on me,” she whispered.

“I do.”

I kissed her again. This time, I took my time. There was no rush now. There was no place we had to be, no one we had to answer to. Right now, it was just me and Kinsley against the world, and I thought that was kind of sweet. That was how it was supposed to be. When you found someone you connected with, someone you thought was wonderful, you were supposed to shower them with affection and attention and love.

You were supposed to claim them.

Kinsley and I had been so wildly lucky to have found each other, and I didn’t want this moment to end. So I grabbed her and tugged her close, kissing her once more. As we held each other there in front of the stage, snow started to fall, swirling around us.

“Merry Christmas,” she whispered, kissing me.

“Merry Christmas, Kinsley.”

It really was going to be a wonderful winter.




I didn’t think I was going to find love again.

Not after Ashley.

Not after everything I’d lost.

When you lose your partner, it’s like your heart stops beating and the whole world stops spinning. It’s like fire and ice and pain and torture. It’s like a never-ending journey of horror. I didn’t think I was ever going to stop hurting, and then Kinsley appeared in my life.

Like a sweet fairytale princess who needed to hurry home before midnight, she was anxious. Nervous. She wasn’t sure what to do or what to say, but that was fine because I didn’t know, either. I didn’t know what moves I was supposed to make, and I didn’t know what rules I was supposed to break or follow, but in the end it didn’t matter because we figured it out together.

Ashley and I had many wonderful years together before she passed away. When I lost her, I didn’t think my heart would ever be complete. Then Kinsley walked into my life and bandaged me up. Her love covered my scars, and she showed me that not only could I love again, but that I could feel whole again.

She was precious. Wonderful. Sweet. Kinsley was a kind little baker who always looked out for other people, and I felt blessed to call her my darling. We hadn’t been together very long, but I already knew that I wanted an eternity with her. I wanted a lifetime. I needed a lifetime.

Bailey went with me to pick out an engagement ring. Together, the two of us chose a ring we felt would be perfect for Kinsley. Then we went home and spent an afternoon baking cupcakes together with the hope that we could bring Kinsley half of the joy she’d brought us already.

“It looks perfect, Dad,” Bailey eyed the cupcakes carefully. She assessed each individual one, making sure that the frosting was perfect and that

the toppings were neat and tidy.

“Perfect,” I agreed. I found the best cupcake and carefully placed the ring on top. When Kinsley arrived for dinner, I’d suggest having dessert first as a fun way to start the evening, and I’d ask her to marry me. It was soon. It was fast. It was probably crazy, but it felt so damn right.

Everything about her was wonderful, and I couldn’t wait to tell her just how much I really loved her.