“Anyway,” Alethia said, “I really do hope we can be friends. And not just because your baby is adorable.”

Leah laughed. “I hope so! Although I promise that when I’m not getting snowed in, I’m pretty boring. I take care of Emily, and that’s mostly it. Other than gardening.”

“Gardening is a useful hobby,” Alethia pointed out. “My hobbies are mostly centered around hair and makeup and clothes and things like that.”

“I wish I was good at things like that,” Leah sighed. “I’m not stylish at all. Even before I had her. And now I just look like a mom.”

“Hey,” said Alethia. “There’s no reason a mom can’t be stylish and sexy. Do you want any tips? We could go shopping...?” She looked hopeful.

Leah had never really had any close girlfriends to go shopping with or do each other’s hair. The idea of doing a girl’s day out with someone as fun as Alethia seemed to be was dizzying. “I’d love that,” she said honestly.

“Great,” Alethia said. “I bet Grey would babysit. He wants practice.”

Leah raised her eyebrows. Alethia blushed, and smiled. “Hopefully soon we’ll have one of our own,” she said. “Not sure when yet.”

The door to the garage opened, and Jeff poked his head in. “Forgot my, uh, tools,” he said. “How’s it going?”

“Come to check up on us?” Alethia asked bluntly, and Jeff blushed. “Come here, have a cookie. You too, Grey!” She raised her voice.

The two men came in a little sheepishly.

“Your secret plan worked,” Alethia told them, deadpan. “We’re best friends forever now.”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Grey said, just as deadpan.

Leah and Jeff looked at each other and laughed.

“Come sit down,” said Leah. “Let’s all spend some time together.”

Jeff took the seat next to her, and leaned in to give her a kiss on the cheek. “But really,” he murmured, “are you having a good time? I want you to feel at home here.”

Leah smiled at him. “I do. More than ever. I love you.”

“I love you.” He kissed her cheek, kissed Emily’s cheek, and turned back to the table.

Leah hugged Emily close and smiled to herself. This was her life now, and she couldn’t be happier.

The End