Alethia smiled. “Boys. Sure, go on.”

Jeff and Grey disappeared with alacrity, leaving Leah frowning after them. “What’s that about?”

Alethia rolled her eyes. “They think they’re subtle. Working on the engine. Grey’s not even a car guy, he’d rather be hiking or fishing than standing in a garage looking under a hood.”

Leah raised her eyebrows. “So they’re leaving us alone for some nefarious purpose?”

“They want us to be friends.” Alethia took a cookie, and bit into it. “And if these are on the table every time I come over, hi, friend!”

Leah laughed. “I can’t guarantee cookies every time, but I would like to be friends. But,” she hesitated, “not if you aren’t—I mean, I don’t want you to be pressured into hanging out with me because our...”

“Mates,” Alethia supplied around a mouthful of cookie.

Leah repeated, “Because our mates are friends.”

Alethia was wearing a trendy, slightly daring dress that showed off her curves, high heels, and more jewelry than Leah ever wore. Her hair was styled and her makeup was perfect. She looked way, way too cool to ever want to be Leah’s friend. Leah wasn’t wearing any makeup today at all, and she was dressed in out-of-style jeans and a loose T-shirt. She looked like a mom. Alethia looked like anything but a mom.

“No way,” Alethia said. “Grey doesn’t pressure me into anything.”

Looking at the firm tilt of her chin, Leah could believe it. Well, she should remember that you couldn’t tell everything about a person from their clothes. “That would be wonderful,” she said. “I don’t have any friends here yet, apart from Jeff. Although I don’t lead a very exciting life, I should warn you.”

Alethia raised a perfectly-plucked eyebrow. “Excuse me, Grey told me you had some kind of crazy adventure getting here? It sounded exciting as all get-out.”

Leah smiled. “Okay, yes, you got me there.”

Alethia leaned forward. “Tell me all about it.”

Haltingly, Leah started the story. Before long, though, she was caught up in it. Alethia was right—it was exciting. The most exciting thing that had ever happened to her.

And since Grey was a leopard too, she could tell Alethia all the details.

“...and we dragged him off to the courthouse,” she finished.

Alethia’s eyes were wide. “Wow,” she breathed. “That’s like a movie.” She gave Leah an impressed look. “That was brave of you, taking care of your daughter on your own like that.”

Leah shrugged, a little uncomfortable. “It wasn’t really brave, it was just that or live with my mom, and I didn’t want to live with my mom.”

“I hear that.” Alethia’s mouth turned down. “I used to live with my brother and sister-in-law, and it wasn’t good. Sometimes the family you’re born into isn’t right for you.”

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Leah nodded. “Now I have my family right here.”

Alethia smiled. And as if on cue, Emily started to cry from the other room.

“Just a second, sorry.” Leah got up and went to get her from her crib.

When she came back out, Alethia turned, and her face went soft when she saw Emily. “Oh, wow, she’s so cute.”

“Thanks.” Leah smiled. She sat down with Emily in her lap; Emily put her fingers in her mouth and stared at the new person.

“Hi, baby,” said Alethia. She waved. “Hi.”

Emily stared for another long minute, then pulled her fingers out of her mouth and waved back.

Alethia’s face transformed into a big grin. “She waves!”

Leah nodded. “She’s just learning. You’re so smart,” she told Emily. “Good job!”