Jeff groaned into her mouth. “God, you’re beautiful. Look at you.”

Leah looked down at herself. The fireplace was lighting her up as well, making her skin look luminescent gold, and highlighting her breasts, her hips, and her thighs. And the effect

For the first time, Leah could look at her own body and see a hint of what Jeff saw.

It gave her the confidence to keep going. She kissed Jeff again, slow and deep, and then started exploring his body, like he’d explored hers the first time they made love.

She was surprised at how sexy she found certain places she’d never thought about before: Jeff’s forearm was corded with muscle, and a kiss to the inside of his wrist made him groan with pleasure. The line of his collarbone was gorgeous, and the long muscles in his thigh tempted her to bite lightly. That got a surprisingly loud noise out of him.

After teasing for what felt like too short a time, but was probably forever for Jeff, she took pity on him and moved to his cock. He was so hard it looked almost painful, and his cock jerked when she touched it.

“Leah,” Jeff said, his voice low enough that she almost felt it in her bones.

Leah wrapped her hand around him and bent down to take him in her mouth.

He shuddered under her, and she was struck with how powerful this felt, how Jeff was helpless underneath her while she did this. That he was choosing to give her this power, letting her take the lead. The thought filled her with heat.

She tongued the head of his cock, then sucked very lightly, and finally stopped teasing and set to work, her hand and her mouth moving in tandem. Jeff’s hand threaded through her hair, not putting any pressure on her at all, just touching, and she sucked harder.

“Okay,” he said, his voice sounding strangled. “Leah, you have to stop, I’m not going to last.”

She lifted her head. Her mouth was full of the taste of him. “Do you have a condom?”

He threw an arm out to snag his jeans, and searched through the pockets. “Right here.”

She put it on him, which was an unexpected turn-on, and then straddled his hips and slowly, slowly lowered herself down.

His back arched as she took him in, his hands gripping her hips. She shuddered at the feeling of him, big and hard and filling her completely. When she was totally seated on him, it felt like he was deeper than he’d ever been before.

“God.” His voice was wrecked. “Leah. You’re amazing.”

She moved experimentally, and then gasped as pleasure shot through her. Just shifting her hips left her feeling almost helpless. “I can’t,” she whispered. “I can’t, I don’t think I can—”

Jeff’s hands tightened on her hips, and then, almost before she realized what was happened, he rolled them over.

Leah bit back a yell of pleasure. The change in position had driven him right up against that spot inside her, and she felt herself clench around him as the feeling overwhelmed her.

“I love you, Leah,” Jeff was whispering, as he braced himself with one hand, held her hip with the other, and started to move. “I love you so much.”

“I love you,” she gasped. “Oh, God, I love you, I love you, Jeff!” She spasmed in pleasure as he drove into her hard, her orgasm ripping through her like a storm.

As she clamped down hard on him, Jeff shuddered, and thrust once more, twice more, and kissed her hard as he came, too.

They stayed twined together as they came down from it, Jeff stroking his thumb over her shoulder while she caught her breath.

“I do love you,” he said after a while. “Forever.”

“Forever,” she echoed, and smiled.


“Thank you so much for having us over,” said Grey’s wife Alethia.

“I’m so happy you came!” Leah smiled nervously. “Come in, come in.”

Leah had made cookies that morning while Jeff put the crib together, and they were cooling on the counter. She put a plate together and offered Grey and Alethia drinks.

“Actually,” Jeff said, glancing at Grey, “I think Grey and I were thinking about going to take a look at my car—we’ve been wanting to upgrade the engine a bit.”