“You know, neither have I,” Chase said, tilting his head to one side in consideration. “Despite my best efforts.”

“That’s not actually surprising,” Griff said. “Your best efforts generally motivate people to punch you in the face.”

“Which Ash has never done either, despite extreme provocation,” Chase said cheerfully. “So your mate has a point. The question is, what are we going to do about it?”

Rose raised her eyebrows at him. “About Ash not punching you in the face?”

“No, about you and Ash!” Chase grinned at her, waving his hand to indicate not only Griff but the entirety of Alpha Team, oblivious in their corner behind him. “We’re all both your friends, so we’re doubly invested in helping you to find happiness together. Think of us as your improbably muscular and handsome team of fairy godmothers. You shall win your Prince Charming, Cinderella! Or at least Prince Uptight and Stuffy.”

“Oh no.” Rose shook her head firmly as she pushed the tray of drinks across the bar. “No matchmaking, thank you. Ash isn’t interested. He said so himself. That’s the end of it.”

“No it isn’t.” Hayley wound her arm around Griff’s waist. Their mate bond glowed in Rose’s empathic sense, bright and clear as summer sunshine. “This big idiot tried to push me away at least three times, by my count.”

“And the only reason I’m standing here today is because she didn’t let me,” Griff said, smiling down at his mate. “Hayley’s right, lass. Ash has kept himself in such a narrow cage for so long, he’s forgotten how to spread his wings. It’ll take more than just opening the door for a moment to encourage him to fly out.”

“So!” Chase clapped his hands together. “How are we going to get the world’s most pig-headed and hidebound man to open his heart to the jaw-droppingly beautiful and delightful woman standing here before us?”

“I really don’t—” Rose started, but no one was listening to her.

“We need to get his attention,” Griff said thoughtfully. “Make him realize what he and Rose could have together.”

“That’s not going to be easy,” Hayley said, frowning. “You know Ash, he’s not exactly observant when it comes to things that aren’t on fire.”

Chase brightened.

“No,” Griff and Hayley said together.

“Come on, it’s perfect. Can’t you just picture the scene?” Chase held up his hands like a film director framing a camera shot. “A mysterious arson attack…the beautiful maiden trapped by the encroaching flames…the daring Fire Commander charging to the rescue and sweeping her up in his arms—”

“And the pegasus-sized pile of ashes when he realizes you set him up,” Griff finished.

“Oh, Ash wouldn’t burn Chase,” Rose said, glaring at Chase. “There wouldn’t be enough left after I got through with him. Do not even think of setting fire to my pub.”

“Of course not,” Chase said, looking mortally wounded. “How can you even think that I would do such a thing? This is a special place to all of us. Now, a very flammable disused warehouse that no one will miss, on the other hand…”

“Connie!” Hayley called across the room. “Come and tell your mate not to set fire to anything!”

“Don’t set fire to anything, Chase,” Connie called back, pushing herself up from Alpha Team’s table. She was only in early pregnancy, but her bump showed prominently on her short, curvy body, thanks to the fact that she was carrying triplets. She joined her mate at the bar, radiating a mix of exasperation and curiosity to Rose’s empathic sense. “Why do you want to set fire to something, anyway?”

“So that Ash will realize his deep and undying love for our very own Rose,” Chase declaimed, far too loudly.

At the other end of the bar, Wayne lifted his head from his pint. The wolf shifter blinked, his bleary eyes struggling to focus. “Whazzat? Ash ish what?”

“Nothing,” Rose said, her face hot with mortification. She grabbed a beer from the tray and slid it down the bar. “Have another on me, Wayne. And ignore Chase, he’s just being ridiculous.”

“Yes, you are,” Connie told Chase, poking him in the side. “Even more so than usual.”

“Thank you,” Rose said.

“We can’t possibly trap Rose in a fire just so Ash can rescue her,” Connie continued. “How about a charity auction?”

They all stared at her.

“You know, like ‘a win a date with a hot firefighter’ sort of thing?” Connie said, looking round at their blank faces. “And then we pool together our funds to make sure that Rose wins the bidding on Ash.”

“What?” Rose said.

She seemed to be the only person still confused. Everyone else now had a thoughtful look, as though what Connie had just said made perfect sense.