Ash exhaled. “Better?”

“It’s an improvement,” Hugh growled. He was busy running glowing hands over Neridia’s stomach, his brow furrowed in concentration. “Though ‘not actively on fire’ is a pretty low bar to clear.”

“I’ve changed my mind,” Neridia gasped. Sweat beaded her skin. “I don’t want to have a baby. Someone stop it, please.”

Virginia and Dai exchanged a wry look. “I remember this bit,” the dragon shifter murmured.

“Thankfully, I don’t.” Virginia took Neridia’s hands, rubbing them soothingly. “It’s going to be okay, Neridia. You’ll forget the pain once your baby’s here. I promise.”

“Nope. Not doing this,” Neridia announced. Despite her matter-of-fact tone, her eyes had gone rather wild and unfocused. “Going for a swim instead.”

Head held regally high, she tried to walk off. John lunged to intercept her. He swept her off her feet, holding her fast despite her semi-incoherent protests.

“Careful,” Griff warned. “As I recall, the next stage involves trying to take a bite out of you, as punishment for doing this to her.”

“I can’t be blamed for that,” Hayley protested. “I was having twins.”

Chase looked at his own mate’s pregnant belly, his expression suddenly rather alarmed. “I’m going to need a suit of armor.”

“What we need right now is a bed,” Hugh snarled. “Or at least something more comfortable than a bare stone floor.”

“The mansion has not been occupied for some time, but what I saw of it was still serviceable.” Ash said. Rose couldn’t tell how he did it, but suddenly he wasn’t an exhausted man in a filthy uniform, but the Commander. “John, help Hugh take her inside.”

“Is the ocean there?” Neridia mumbled, her breath coming in fast pants.

“A bath might have to do, honey,” Virginia said. She caught Connie’s eye. “We’ll see what we can manage.”

“Do it fast,” Hugh muttered. “Hayley, with me, please. You can help coach her through this. At least you’ve done this before…”

“Chase.” Ash looked at the pegasus shifter as the others disappeared into the mansion. “Fly to the resort as fast as you can, inform them of events. Bring back a medical kit, if you can.”

“I’ll go too,” Ivy volunteered. “I’m even faster. I’ll bring back the supplies, while Chase explains everything to the resort manager.”

Ash acknowledged this suggestion with a grateful nod. The wyvern and the pegasus shifted and took off into the sky, swiftly vanishing out of sight.

“Griff, Daifydd,” Ash said, turning to them. “Search the house for anything useful. Food, clean clothing.”

“Towels,” Rose put in. “Water, and big pots, so that we can sterilize them.”

“I will clean up out here,” Ash said, indicating the ravaged courtyard with a slight motion of one hand. “If you find anything inside that needs…disposing of, contact me. Let us not leave any unpleasant surprises for the resort staff, should any come up here later.”

Griff and Dai nodded. Without any questions, they headed off.

That just left her and Ash. She cocked her head up at him. “What should I do?”

“You…” Ash’s aura of command dropped away like a discarded jacket. He took her hands, pulling her into his arms. “You have already done everything.”

She leaned against his chest. “Did you know?”

“That the Phoenix would go to you?” Even without looking at him, she could tell he was smiling. “I had my suspicions. But what you did afterward…that I did not anticipate.”

“Mmm. If you ever pull a stunt like that again, I’ll throttle you.” His heart beat strong and steady against her ear.

She could listen to that reassuring rhythm forever. “And then bring you back to life so I can kill you some more. Don’t think I won’t. I can stuff you back in there as many times as I want, you know.”

His deep, soft chuckle reverberated through her body. “I will consider myself warned.”

“I mean it.” She leaned away a little so that she could meet his eyes. “No more sacrifices, Ash.”