Distantly, it crossed his mind that this was a rather strange thing for her to say—but then she ran her hand across his chest, and all thought was consumed in the fire of her touch. It took all of his discipline not to push her up against the gleaming wall then and there.

Control, control! He knotted his fists, forcing himself to hold still as she circled him. Her fingertips ran down his side, over his hip, up the broad curve of his back. She explored him with an exquisitely agonizing slowness, as if seeking to memorize every inch of his body.

He caught her wrist as she ventured lower. “Even a Knight’s discipline is not that good, my mate. If you do not wish this to speed up somewhat…”

In answer, she kissed him, her hand closing around his hard length. He groaned into her mouth as she stroked him. There was no longer any possibility of restraint.

Never breaking the kiss, he unfastened the ties of her robe, jerking the fabric down off her body impatiently. At last, at last her exquisite curves were fully exposed to him. He buried himself in them, pressing his whole body against her, wanting to possess and claim every glorious inch.

Neridia’s hand stilled. She pulled back from his mouth, far enough that she could look into his eyes. Her own were dark with desire, yet still they held that strange solemnity.

“I want this to be special for you,” she said, as if it could ever be anything else. “I want—I want this to be a night that you remember, always. Is there anything I could do? Something you’d particularly like?”

You, was his immediate thought…but the gravity of her manner made him pause. Pulling back a little himself, he forced himself to give the matter more serious consideration.

Not that he had to think for more than a second.

“There is something. And since the means are at hand…” He gestured at the vanity unit, and the glittering treasures arrayed there. “I would very much like to adorn you. I would like to see you properly crowned.”

Something flashed across her eyes, too fast for him to interpret. His sense of her down the mate bond weakened, as if she’d retreated into a shell.

“Not that,” she said. She glanced at the waiting crown, and a shiver shook her. “I’m sorry. Anything else, but not that.”

On second thought, he supposed it wouldn’t be entirely proper to use the Crown Jewels in such a fashion. A pity. Perhaps another evening they could pay a private visit to the Imperial hoard…

“Then I will make a different request.” Gently, he drew her over to the vast bed, laying her down on the silken sheets. “I want to take my time.”

And he did.

With his mouth, his hands, his body, he treasured her. He could spend a lifetime exploring her depths, and never grow tired of her wonders.

When she was undone by pleasure, crying out his name in need, he could hold himself back no longer. She welcomed him in like the sea itself, closing around him as strong and sweet as the tides.

At last he was truly home…and so, he thought, was she.

But in the morning she was gone.

Chapter 29

Neridia clung to Jane’s branching horns, salt spray whipping her face. They’d discovered that it was quicker for the sea dragon to swim along the surface rather than dragging an air bubble under the water. Faster than any ship, they raced across the ocean.

Neridia could only pray that it would be fast enough.

Jane’s rhythm faltered, and Neridia felt a shiver pass through the sea dragon’s scaled skin. “What is it?” Neridia shouted into Jane’s ear.

*The Knights of the First Water are singing to each other behind us.* Jane picked up her pace again. *They have discovered your departure. They’re coming after us.*

“Do they know where we are?”

*They’re led by the Knight-Commander himself.* Fear colored Jane’s mental tone. *He is the most powerful Seer in generations. The entire ocean is his eye.*

Neridia touched her pearl pendant, wishing with all her heart that she had the Master Shark’s one as well. She was hidden from the Knight-Commander’s magical gaze, but Jane wasn’t.

She’d hoped that it would take the Knight-Commander longer to work out who had to be accompanying her. But it seemed that hope was futile. Now, their only chance lay in their head start.

Neridia shaded her eyes against the wind, scanning the horizon. The sea stretched out in every direction, featureless and empty. She couldn’t see any hint of land yet.

“How much further?” she asked Jane.