Tears welled in her eyes at being so cherished. Even as her whole body turned to liquid pleasure, a bittersweet pain caught in her throat. He was choosing her, he had chosen her…but she knew what it would cost him.

I can’t. I can’t let him do this.

He went tense in her embrace, as if he’d sensed her sudden hesitance. His huge hands closed over her shoulders. She gasped as he tossed her back onto the bed. A rustle of fabric, and then he was on her, covering her body with his own.

Before, in the water, she hadn’t truly been aware of just how massive he truly was. His solid weight pressed demandingly against her. She felt wonderfully small and fragile, utterly dominated by his strength.

His naked cock slid against her soft stomach, hard and slick with his desire. The feel of him burned away the last shreds of her self-control. No matter what the cost—or who would pay it—she needed him.

She cried out as he slid into her, wrapping her legs tight around his hips. He moved in her as powerfully as the sea, sweeping her away on waves of ecstasy. He was over her and in her, body and mind. She lost herself completely, willingly, dissolving into him even as he emptied himself into her.

Afterwards, they lay in a tangle of limbs, like driftwood washed up onto a beach. Neridia buried her face in his shoulder, breathing in his scent, trying to reassure herself that he was truly there. Even with his heavy, sweat-slick body pressing against hers, she couldn’t shake a feeling that this was just a dream; that any moment, she would wake up, and he would be gone.

His rough fingers gently combed through her hair. She could feel his heart beating. Although her own was slowing, his was still fast. Despite the exhausted relaxation of his muscles, the mate bond betrayed his tension.

“I cannot bear to be parted from you,” he whispered into her ear. “Please. Stay with me.”

She stiffened underneath him, her own contentment popping like a soap bubble. “I thought…I thought this meant you’d chosen to stay with me.”

“I cannot,” he said, his voice the barest breath.

“Then what was this?” She pushed angrily at him, trying to shove him away, but he didn’t move. “You broke your honor just to say goodbye?”

In the darkness, she felt more than saw the shake of his head. “I did not break my honor. I spoke with my Knight-Commander. He released me from my vow of chastity.”

“What? Why?”

“I told him that we were in danger of losing you utterly. I told him of your fears, and how the Master Shark had preyed upon them. I told him…I begged him to allow me one last chance to convince you not to throw away your heritage. I asked permission to show you what it was that you were sacrificing.”

A turmoil of emotions flooded her. Outrage at how he’d inadvertently misled her, relief that he truly hadn’t sacrificed his honor, a surge of sheer annoyance at his arrogance, joy that he was still fighting for her, terror that she could still lose him…

She settled on annoyance. “Wow, you really do think highly of yourself, don’t you?”

“I did not mean this.” John traced the shape of her face, as though trying to read her expression with his fingertips. “Not just this, at least. I know…I know I am not sufficient inducement. But he did not only release me from my vow. He also gave me permission to show you the true reason you cannot turn your back on the sea. Even if you cannot shift, he will allow you to enter Atlantis.”

She closed her eyes, knowing that she should move away from his gentle touch, unable to bring herself to do so. “John…”

“Please,” he breathed, desperation weaving a staccato melody under his words. “Please, come. Let me show you your true home. I swear on my honor that I will protect you, from any foe, if you will but come. Please. Come to Atlantis.”

She wanted to say no. But if she did…she didn’t know what he’d say. What he’d do.

I cannot bear to be parted from you, he’d said.

But he was a sea dragon. She knew by now that he would face any challenge, any pain, if that was what his honor demanded.

She couldn’t bear to be parted from him either. And she wasn’t a sea dragon.

“Yes,” she whispered. “I’ll come.”

“Oh my mate, my heart, my Empress. I swear to you, you will not regret this.” His arms tightened around her, pulling her close. “You will understand, when you see Atlantis. And whatever happens, we will be together, like this, every night and day. All will be well, as long as we are together.”

Neridia curled into her mate’s embrace, listening to his soft words of relief and reassurance, surrounded by his strength and love. She had never felt so alone.

Chapter 22

*You’re sure this is the place?* Dai’s telepathic tone was dubious. His horned head dipped, his eyes narrowing as he peering down at the apparently featureless waves below. *I don’t see anything.*

*This is as far as you will be able to take us, kin-cousin,* John sent back. *Atlantis is protected by powerful magics, which prevent either shifter or human from crossing the city’s borders.*