Reiner’s eyes narrowed. His powerful muscles bunched as he gathered himself for one final pounce.

“NO!” Hayley hurled herself toward them. Her bare feet skidded in Griff’s blood as she threw herself between him and Reiner. “NO!”

Reiner was either too blind with bloodlust to notice her…or he just didn’t care.

Claws extended, he leaped straight for her.



Get up! Get up!

Griff raged at his useless body, struggling to force his broken limbs to obey him. His vision was going black around the edges from blood-loss. But if he could just move, he could buy Hayley another five seconds. Those extra five seconds were worth any amount of agony.

It was no use. He couldn’t push himself up, couldn’t even roll away from Reiner as the lion stalked toward him. All he could do was roar defiance. All he could do was refuse to surrender.

All he could do was hope it would take Reiner at least five more seconds to tear out his throat.

Hayley, Hayley, Hayley.

Her name ran through his mind like a mantra as Reiner gathered himself to spring. Griff held tight to the memory of his wonderful, perfect mate. He wanted his last thoughts to be of her. He filled his mind with her beautiful face and stunning body, picturing her so clearly he could almost see her standing in front of him.

She was standing in front of him.

Time froze. With crystal clarity, he saw Reiner leaping toward them, leaping toward her. Hayley was right in his path, arms spread, protecting Griff with her own body. The lion’s long, powerful form seemed to hang in midair.


Every atom of his body, every part of his soul, united with the need to protect his mate. Shattered bones reformed, muscles coalescing around them. He surged to his feet. As unstoppable as an avalanche, he leaped to block Reiner’s attack, meeting the lion’s talons with his own.

Reiner roared in pain as Griff hurled him to one side. The lion hit the ground hard, rolling. He staggered to his paws, snarling—and stopped dead.

Griff spread his wings to protect his mate, his tail lashing. Reiner cowered as Griff screamed at the lion in rage. Griff didn’t give him a second to recover. He pounced, sinking his talons into the lion’s shoulders, pinning him to the ground. His powerful beak closed around Reiner’s throat.

The temptation to bite down was almost overwhelming. But…despite everything, Reiner was still Danny’s father. That single fact was the only thing that kept Griff from tearing the lion’s head clear off for daring to threaten his mate.

*SUBMIT!* Griff demanded, hurling the thought like a spear into Reiner’s stunned mind. *Submit, or I will kill you!*

Reiner whimpered. *I surrender! I surrender!*

Griff dropped him, backing away. He stayed tense and ready in case it was a trick, but Reiner just fell bonelessly to the ground. The lion rolled, exposing his belly in utter submission.

*Alpha.* Reiner’s telepathic voice shook with terror and awe. *You are Alpha. Forgive me.*

Griff’s hackles settled. Satisfied that the lion no longer posed any threat to his mate, he folded his wings-





One second, Hayley was staring straight down Reiner’s throat as he leaped for her. The next thing she knew, she’d been hurled aside, a huge, golden form surging between her and the lion. Vast, gleaming wings spread protectively over her. For a mad moment, Hayley could only think that she’d been saved by an angel.

But it wasn’t an angel.