“Oh, God, Hope.” He cried her name and tensed under her, then just barely stifled a groan when she let him slide out of her mouth.

“Can I ride you again?” she suggested wickedly.

He flushed as he caught her meaning. “I can’t. I don’t have anything with me.”

Hope fumbled in her pocket and fished out a condom, waving it in front of him. “Just in case.”

“You made plans,” he said with a pleased smile. “You little devil.”

She quickly slipped out of her shoes and jeans and helped Josh out of his boots. His pants and boxers followed next, and she leaned in to steady his cock as he tore into the condom wrapper and smoothed it over himself.

He set his hands on her hips as she swung a leg over him and centered herself right above where she wanted to be.

“Ready?” she asked.

Josh moved one hand up to pinch her nipple through her shirt. “You’re in charge.”

That’s right, she was. She could take it at exactly the right speed. Bracing herself above him, she slowly lowered herself onto his cock, feeling it stretch and fill her. Slowly, slowly, wanting to savor every inch of it, until she came to rest flush against him and he was completely inside her.

She took a few seconds, not moving, just looking down at Josh. In the sun, his hair had streaks of gold in it, and his face was peaceful. He met her gaze, and she almo

st couldn’t believe how much love shone out of his eyes. He wasn’t thrusting up into her or trying to make her move. When he said she was in charge, she meant it. Hope hadn’t had that many lovers, but she’d never had one who was willing to put her needs so far ahead of his.

She rocked her hips gently back and forth, just enough to send twinges of sensation through her. The position gave her the opportunity to experiment, to figure out what angle put exactly the right pressure on that spot between her legs. Leaning back slightly, supporting her weight with her hands braced on his shins, she chased that pressure, moving more and more, up and down. She only realized her eyes had closed when they flew open at the touch of Josh’s fingers rubbing her, sending her pleasure skyrocketing.

“Come on,” he murmured to her, his fingers speeding up. “Let me watch you come.”

She felt embarrassed for a second. What was she thinking, making love outside, exposed, where anyone could find them? But his fingers knew what they were doing, and soon Hope was unable to think at all as she pushed into them and tensed around his cock and shuddered with the pleasure that took over her body, until the only places that felt real were those where she and Josh touched.

After an endless moment, she slumped down on him, breathing heavily. He tucked her head under his chin and whispered soft words to her, about how beautiful she was, how amazing she had looked, how he spent every minute of every day wanting her. His chest heaved under her, and as she regained awareness, she could feel him harder than ever inside of her.

“You’re awfully patient,” she whispered.

“It’s one of my better qualities,” he teased. Her breathless laugh was cut off as Josh rolled them over, slipping out of her body briefly, but then driving in and wrenching a cry from her. It felt almost too good, pleasure on the edge of pain.

“Okay?” he asked, panting.

“Yes, yes,” she keened as she slid her hands down his body and pulled him even deeper into her. After that, the end came quickly as Josh thrust over and over and finally stilled with a groan, shuddering against her.

He withdrew and rolled to the side, gathering her into his embrace. It was a long time before their hearts stopped pounding.

Chapter Seven

They walked back to the main house, hand in hand, Josh pointing out buildings and features as they passed—one of the barns, Mark’s woodworking shop, the tree Josh had fallen out of when he was fourteen. He worried that Hope might get tired; it took a lot longer to cover the ground on two legs than it took him on four legs. He promised her that tomorrow, they’d get in his truck and he’d give her a real tour. For now, she seemed to be content to walk with him and gaze at the scenery around them.

She squeezed his hand to get his attention. “Do I have any chance with your family now?”

“Of course,” he reassured her, guiding her around an uneven patch of ground. “Really, it wasn’t that bad. They’re good people.”

“I don’t really feel like I got to know anyone individually. Except your Uncle Rick, maybe. He seems nice.”

“He’s really the rock of the family. He’s closest to my dad in age, so when my parents died, he kind of took over the job. I was a pain in the ass for a few years, there.”

“It’s understandable,” she said consolingly. “I’m sure it was so hard for you to deal with.”

“I wasn’t the only one who got hurt, though. He lost his brother just like I lost my dad, and it wasn’t that long since my grandparents had died. Since my dad was the oldest, it was like Rick suddenly had to be in charge of the younger kids like me and Allison. I think it’s only in the last few years that he’s been able to relax. He pretends to be grumpy when he’s cooking, but it makes him really happy.”

“What’s he look like when he shifts?” Hope asked.