Jenny was busily tapping onto her keyboard as everyone volunteered what they could and guessed prices that seemed pathetic compared to the monstrous number they were aiming for.

“What about Scarlet?” Alice asked. “She must know some well-to-do people to ask.” Graham wondered if she was thinking about the mysterious offer for the information on Scarlet, and her own dire straits. Fifty million would go a long ways.

Lydia, sitting nearly in Wrench’s lap on the crowded couch, shook her head. “Scarlet told us not to look for Grant Lyons.”

“To protect Graham,” Alice reminded them. “But you all know now.”

“Your...” Darla smothered Breck with the throw pillow before he could finish the lordship part.

“We were thinking we would try to do it quietly and surprise her,” Laura said. “She’s so private and proud, I think she might try to stop us.”

Graham knew she would, and his nod caught Laura’s attention.

“Are you in?” Laura asked him.

“I’ve got nothing of value,” Graham apologized.

“The sale has to be in your name,” Laura pointed out. “You’d be the owner.”

“Do I have to be?” Graham asked with a scowl. “Can’t I sign it away to Scarlet?”

“Yeah, you can do that,” Jenny said confidently, to his relief. “That’s quite straight-forward.”

“Good,” Travis said with a grin. “I don’t want Graham the Grouch calculating my bonuses.”

“Are you bleeding?” Lydia asked suddenly, leaning over to Alice.

Alice looked down at her leg. “Nope,” she said, peeling the red spot off. “Strawberry.”

“I thought I smelled strawberries!” Amber laughed. “I couldn’t figure out why.”

“I think there’s one in your hair, Graham,” Mary observed shyly.

“Hypocrite!” Breck exclaimed in outrage. “All the grief you give us for damaging your precious flower gardens and you’re off rolling in the strawberry beds! Flowers are one thing, but we eat those.”

Everyone stared in wonder at Graham, and it took him a long moment to realize that it was because he was laughing.

Chapter 25

Alice spent a long moment after she woke with her eyes closed, too comfortable to move, clinging to sweet, peaceful sleep.

Graham had an arm draped over her, and one foot hooked around her ankle. A single sheet was more than enough warmth for the morning; already the temperature was rising as the sun came up over the island.

Despite a shower, Alice could still smell strawberries, and it filled her with unexpected contentment.

This was where she belonged, she thought, and the idea was so unexpected that her eyes flew open in alarm and her peace shattered.

Graham stirred as she sat up, and in a smooth, practiced way, rolled out of bed and began getting dressed as if on autopilot. Alice was watching him as he woke up enough to realize what was different, turning back to look at her in amazement and confusion.

She gave him a crooked smile as he stood there, frozen with one leg in his pants.

“Morning,” she said wryly.

He scowled at her; clearly this was his reaction to any surprise. “Good morning,” he growled, stuffing the other leg into his khakis.

Alice pushed off the sheet and was delighted to watch Graham nearly fall over staring at her. “So... ah... I told the girls I’d work on the bachelorette party with them today.”

Graham managed to save his balance, and, still shirtless, he walked around the bed as she stood up. “Alice...” he started.