“Darkness took him, the way it took Steele.” The chimera sounded displeased, his growl echoing through the cave. “I would have liked to interrogate him. Who knows—with the taint of darkness gone, he might have realized his error, like Braeden. Damn those shadows.”

Jared’s parents took another step forward. “We would like to stay for a day and talk with you, if you don’t mind,” they announced. “We think there is much to discuss.”

“Much to discuss, indeed,” the chimera grumbled—and then, just for a moment, one of the shadows showed the outline of a dragon’s wing again, making an inviting gesture. “Come. Let us share what we know about this prophecy and our enemy.”

“How about we go for a coffee instead?” Jared murmured to Chiara.

She released a deep breath.

Now that the hard part was over, she definitely felt her body catching up with her.

And after the terrifying moments in the cave, her body wanted to sit down, have a five-course meal involving lots of fried chicken and ice cream, hold Jared close—and most of all, she wanted lots and lots of caffeine.

“Sounds great,” she said with deep relief.


Ginny, bless her, had apparently dealt with her own anxieties about their trip to find the non-existent fifth dragon by baking three different cakes and preparing a giant pan of lasagna. There was also a pot still simmering that filled the kitchen with the fragrant and mouthwatering scent of a rich curry—and she was roasting an entire chicken in the oven at the same time.

On her laptop on the kitchen table, a helpful YouTube cook was still waxing poetically about the curry they’d just created together.

A wave of affection washed over Chiara as soon as they entered.

This was what she wanted to have again.

No more working day and night with only enough energy for takeout. She wanted a place like this, warm and welcoming, where she and Jared and their friends could come together to eat, drink, and talk.

And Dad. I wish Dad were here now...

Ginny cried out in shock when she turned around and found them right there in her kitchen. Only a second later, Chiara found herself hugged by the usually so-shy mouse shifter, Ginny holding her tightly while she laughed.

“You made it! You’re back!” Ginny was beaming from ear to ear when she released Chiara, and then Jared got a long hug as well. “I’m so glad. You don’t know what it’s like, always having to worry about my friends.”

“Sorry,” Chiara said, laughing helplessly when she felt joy bubble up inside her again.

Ginny was right. They’d made it back alive, and that was reason enoug

h for happiness.

They were alive, Zane was defeated, and even if her dad wasn’t here to look at her the way Jared’s parents looked at him, at least she knew that he was alive and well.

They could fix things. Maybe it would take a while—but it could be fixed.

“Well, I hope you two are hungry, because I’ve been busy all day in here—and cake never looks quite as nice if you freeze it.”

Still beaming, Ginny ushered them to the table. A few minutes later, it was groaning under the weight of the dishes placed on it.

“And now,” Ginny demanded, eyes gleaming, “tell me everything!”


It took a long time to tell the entire story. Even so, when they were finally done, Chiara was surprised by the dent they’d managed to make in the feast Ginny’d prepared.

There was still enough left to feed an entire army, of course. Privately, Chiara thought that she’d happily volunteer to eat nothing but Ginny’s chocolate cake for the entire next week.

By the time Jared’s parents finally made it into the kitchen, looking visibly tired after their long conference with the chimera, Chiara was feeling a lot better.

Watching Jared and his parents together was a sight that made her heart ache with feelings. Jared’s mother couldn’t take her eyes off her son—and once or twice, Chiara saw Marianne’s eyes fill with tears of joy again, as if she still couldn’t believe that she really had her son back with her.