Page 555 of Billionaire Beast

“Ten,” I tell him. “It may not be much, but we’re going to let you hang onto a lot more of your station’s flavor than any of the bigger guys will.”

“Ten million?”


“Maybe if that word started with a b,” he says, “we might be able to do something, but you have to know that we’ve been hearing numbers that make yours, well, kind of insulting.”

“It’s certainly not my intention to insult you,” I tell him. “I’m just coming to you with what I have.”

Playing the victim isn’t really my cup of tea, even when I am a victim, but it’s keeping him in the room.

“I appreciate that,” he says. “How are you doing with your treatment, by the way?”

I’ve almost got him, but the space between almost and definitely is going to be next to impossible.

“I’m still here,” I tell him. “Other than that, I’d say you might want to ask me again when I’m a little farther away from this room.”

“I have a cousin that had cancer,” he says.

Anyone who’s ever walked into a chemo suite will be able to tell you that it’s difficult knowing how to act. Over time, you learn when to smile and when to ignore, but unless Andrew here’s been through the treatment himself, I’m pretty sure he’s working without a net here.

“How did that turn out?” I ask.

Cancer stories, even when they contain the word “remission,” don’t often end well. Judging by the long pause, I’d say that would be the case with Andrew’s cousin.

“I’d rather not talk about it right now,” he finally says.

“Okay,” I tell him. “Let me tell you what our money gives you that nobody else’s will. First off, you get to keep most of your programming. Over the first year or so, we’ll slowly start to introduce more of our content, but we have no problem with you keeping your higher rated shows. Higher ratings are good for both of us here.”

“That’s great, but-”

“Hold on,” I tell him. “Along with keeping a few of the more familiar faces, you’ll also get great publicity out of it. I mean, do you really think viewers are going to be impressed if you turn their beloved station into just another face for the big six?”

“Grace, you’ve got to understand that this is business,” he says. “We’ve got to make the best profit we can so we can do the things we want to do.”

“How much are the other guys really going to let you do?”

“They said we could keep all of our programming for one year,” he says. “From there, if we make a good impression, they may syndicate a few of our shows and-”

“You really think that’s going to happen?”

I’m just killing time now. My secret weapon is running a little late.

“They’re willing to put it in writing,” he says.

“Well, that’s the ballgame then, isn’t it?”

“Grace, I’m sorry-” Andrew starts.

“Ten million isn’t a lot of money in our business; I know that,” I tell him. “You’ve got to understand that we were a lot like you guys for a long time. Hell, we’re still a lot like you guys. How long do you think it’s been since the people leaving messages for your bosses and your bosses’ bosses have been able to say that?”

“I would imagine it’s been a very long time,” he concedes. “As you know, our station hasn’t been faring very well lately, but your board has thrown us quite the life preserver.”

“I take it your mind is made up, then?” I ask.

“I’m sorry to say it is,” he answers. “After all we’ve discussed over the last year or so, I felt that I should be the one to tell you, and I wanted to be able to tell you to your face.”

“That’s a shame,” I tell him. “By the way, have you ever given a press conference?”