Page 651 of Billionaire Beast

“She’s very persistent,” Danna laughs.

I just ignore her, but Damian seems pretty irritated by his twin’s amusement.

“Do they think they’re going to be able to get it off the road or are there going to be pictures of that all over the news tonight?” he asks.

“I wouldn’t worry about that,” I tell him.

“Why?” he asks.

“I’m sure they’ll get rid of it after they’ve taken pictures for evidence and all that,” Danna says.

“I just don’t know why you didn’t tell me about this before, Damian,” I say. “I’m not mad or anything, I would just like to know when the guy I’m dating is being harassed by some crazy stalker.”

“I think we throw the word ‘crazy’ around all too much these days,” Danna says.

“Is there any way you could keep your ridiculous sense of humor to yourself?” Damian asks her.

“Hey,” I tell him. “It’s all right. Calm down.”

“Well, you two decide what you want. I’m going to pop into the little girl’s room,” Danna says.

“Do you want us to order you something if the waiter gets here before you’re back?” I ask.

“That’s all right,” she says, and gets up from the table.

“So, how long has she been stalking you?” I ask.

“Like I said,” he says, “it’s been a couple of months. She’s been quiet for a little bit, though. I was kind of hoping she’d moved on or something.”

“And you’ve never seen her face-to-face?” I ask.

“If I have,” he says, “I didn’t know it.”

“There’s a creepy thought,” I tell him.

We chat a little and when the waiter gets to the table we order our food. We don’t order anything for Danna because she didn’t tell us what she wanted.

Come to think of it, she has been in the bathroom for a pretty long time.

Danna has MS. Damian told me about that. I wonder if she’s okay.

“I’m going to go freshen up while we wait for our meal,” I tell him. “I’ll be right back.”

“Okay,” he says. “While you’re in there, would you mind checking on Danna? I’m sure she’s fine and everything, but—is that weird to ask?”

“Not at all,” I tell him. “I’ll be back in a minute.”

So, I head to the bathroom, only Danna’s not in there. I walk back out and look around the restaurant in case I missed her, but she’s nowhere around.

Not really seeing the purpose in checking outside, I walk back to the table.

“Is she doing all right?” Damian asks.

“She wasn’t in there,” I tell him.

“She took off?” he asks.

“It would appear that way,” I tell him.