Page 648 of Billionaire Beast

“You’re an asshole,” she says, getting up from the couch, “you know that?”

“Danna, calm down,” I tell her, but she’s already walking out of the room.

I could get up and chase her, but what would be the point? We’re not going to agree on this and we’re going to end up pissing each other off.

As long as the stuff she’s taking isn’t actually going to harm her, I’m all right with it in principle, but every time something new doesn’t work out it’s like she just got the diagnosis.

The doorbell rings and Danna yells, “I’ll get it!”

I hear the door open and I hear distant voices, but I can’t tell what’s being said or who’s at the door.

The door closes after about a minute and I don’t hear anything about it.

I get up and find Danna in her room, scrolling through online dating profiles on her computer.

“Who was at the door?” I ask.

“That actress,” she says. “What’s her name?”

“Which actress?” I ask.

“The one you’re working with right now,” she says, scratching the back of her head, “the main one.”

“Emma?” I ask. “The one that I’m dating?”

“Yeah,” Danna says. “She said she came by because you hadn’t been to the set today. She said they’d worked everything out, so you’d be fine, but that she was worried about you.”

“Why didn’t you let her in?” I ask.

“I wasn’t in the mood for company,” she says. “You’ve kind of spoiled my afternoon.”

“Why didn’t you at least let me know that she was at the door?” I ask.

“We were talking,” she says. “We were busy.”

“What were you talking about?” I ask.

Danna smiles.

“What did you do?” I ask.

Danna’s a good person, but sometimes she lashes out in some pretty strange and often destructive ways.

“I probably shouldn’t have,” Danna giggles, “but when I opened the door and saw that surprised look on her face because it was me she saw and not you on the other side of it, I just had to.”

“What did you do?” I ask again.

“I was just messing around with her,” Danna says.

“Yeah, you were messing around with her because you’re pissed off at me,” I say. “What did you say to her?”

“I just told her that I was a long lost love of yours and that we’ve decided to reconnect,” she says.

“You’re kidding,” I laugh.

“Nope,” she says.

“You’re kidding,” I repeat. “She knows I have a sister and that you live with me. She wouldn’t have bought it.”