Page 467 of Billionaire Beast

“All right,” I tell her, and I walk around to the other side of the car.

I get in and wait for Melissa to finish up her crossword before she starts the car.

“So,” I say, “tell me about your day.”

“Oh, you are not going to believe this,” she says. “Ty called me into his office this morning — I thought he was going to chew me out for watching House of Cards on company time, but he gave me a promotion! You’re looking at the new regional sales director for Symbio Industries.”

“Congratulations!” I tell her. “That’s wonderful news.”

“I’m going to be on the road a little bit more, but this is really a big thing for me,” she says, trying to preempt any possible argument that may arise from the fact that I’m about to go from seeing very little of her to seeing even less of her.

For whatever reason, that eventuality doesn’t really seem to bother me that much.

“I’ve got some plans for you tonight,” she says, and she puts the car in drive.

We’re on the road for about an hour before I start to get a little anxious.

“Where are we going?” I ask.

“You’ll see,” she says. “We’re almost there.”

“All right,” I answer, but the drive just continues to drag on and drag on.

Finally, she pulls off onto a dirt road, and we park on the far side of a tree next to an open field.

“Where are we?” I ask.

“I have no idea,” she says, “but that’s kind of the point.”

I’m about to ask what the hell she’s talking about before her seat belt is undone and she’s straddling me on the passenger’s seat, breathing deep as she kisses me.

“Have you ever had sex outside?” she asks.

“Does a sun porch count?” I return.

“No,” she says, and opens the passenger door.

She climbs out, and I unbuckle my seatbelt.

“I want you right here, right now,” she says, and before I can answer, she’s got me by the top of the pants, pulling me toward her.

Somehow, I manage to keep my balance, and she’s already unzipping my pants.

“Don’t you think we should find somewhere a little less-” I start.

“A little less what?” she asks as she eagerly kisses my neck.

“I don’t know,” I stumble, “a little less open?”

“Who cares? We’re off the main road, and if anyone comes down this way, we’ll see them before they see us.”

I’m not sure that that’s accurate, but she’s doing a pretty good job making her case as she takes my growing erection in her hand and starts jerking me.

“Take my top off,” she says. “Tear it.”

She never talks like this. When we do have sex, it’s usually timid, and she’s just as likely as not to stop things before they really get going.

This is a nice surprise.