Page 16 of Billionaire Beast

“I better run so I can stop by the bank and still get good parking. I’m not in the mood to walk any more than I have to, either.” I walked her to the door, and she stopped and gave me a hug. “Be careful with this one.”

“Yes, mother.” I broke the hug as we said our goodbyes. I shut the door behind her and turned to lean against it. I had to get ready, and I had no idea what to wear.

I hurried upstairs to my bedroom and threw open the closet door. I found a nice casual skirt and a low-cut, sleeveless blouse and decided to pair it with sandals. The weather was warm, and it wasn’t like we were going anywhere special. I didn’t want to overdo it, but I wanted him to see more skin than my work scrubs had allowed. It’s only fair, considering.

Chapter Nine


I ran downstairs after hanging up with Lexa and found Mattie in the kitchen scribbling on a notepad. “You’re the person I was looking for, right where I need you.”

She paused her pen and put her hand on her hip. “Well, it’s good to be needed, but if you wanted anything from me today, you’re out of luck. I have a funeral in two hours, and I’m only here to get a grocery list and make sure the gardeners did their job yesterday.”

“Are you kidding? I’m having a guest for lunch, and I need you to cook something.” I threw my hands up and gripped my hair. “What am I going to do?”

“Take her out to eat or cook something. There’s a pan of enchiladas in the fridge if you want to serve those. You could pair it with chips and salsa. Other than that, your options are tuna fish and crackers.” She put her pen back to the pad and finished her list.

“I guess I could figure it out. I’ve never cooked anything before, so a restaurant is looking better by the minute. I hoped to stay around here.”

“Is this one so bad you can’t take her out in public?” Mattie tore the paper and put it in her purse, which sat on the counter. Then she took it and slung it onto her shoulder.

“You’re leaving now? You’re supposed to be my lifesaver, so remind me what the hell am I paying you for?” I stormed away, and she called out to me as I hit the stairs.

She gave a belly laugh. “Because you’re lost without me.”

Her voice faded as I went upstairs to get myself cleaned up. I contemplated shaving the beard, but wondered how pale my face would be underneath it. Maybe I could trim it up, but I wasn’t sure where to begin. I decided not to do anything drastic and stepped into the shower. I scrubbed myself clean and made quick work of rinsing off. After the shortest shower of my life, I went to the closet to figure out what to wear.

I wanted her to be interested, but I didn’t want to look too dressed up for a lunch date. Besides, I’d only look like a bum in the expensive clothes I would normally wear out. I found something acceptable and laid it across my bed.

I sat next to it wrapped in a towel and glanced at my phone. Sure enough, I’d missed a call from Layne. I didn’t need the guy calling me every other minute while Lexa was here, and I had a feeling he was back in town and had heard the news of my wreck. It wasn’t like I hadn’t called the office to tell him about it. I dialed his number and laid back to get the call over with.

Layne answered with his usual attitude toward me. “Well, it’s about damned time you called. I guess you didn’t think being nearly killed would warrant a call to my cell phone.”

I released a deep breath. I had been prepared for this conversation and already had my excuse ready. “I didn’t want to ruin your vacation with your wife; why would I?”

“Yeah, right. So are you banged up or what?”

“The soreness is about gone, the road rash is scabbed, and I met a gorgeous nurse. I’d say I’m doing well.” I wished I hadn’t mentioned the nurse, but luckily he didn’t press for more details.

“Good for you, and since your father had such a great name, I hear you even got out of being charged. You’re lucky you didn’t kill someone. Not to mention that this didn’t get out to the public. The press would have a field day with it with the lawsuit. You better keep your nose clean until it’s settled.”

“I’ll try to remember to behave myself. I wanted to tell you as soon as I get my insurance lined out, I’m buying another Harley. I was wondering if you still had the name of your buddy down at the dealership.” He and my dad had hooked me up with my bike two years before.

“Why don’t you buy yourself a nice, safe car? Hell, for that matter, you’ve got five of them in the garage; take your pick.” He knew better. I wasn’t about to turn my parents’ cars into an everyday driver.

“No thanks, I like having a bike. It matches my beard.” I gave the thing a stroke and for a moment wondered why I ever contemplated cutting it.

“You’ll be a lot better off without the bike or the beard. I know you’r

e sick of hearing it, Aiden, but you need to focus on work. You can’t sit back and live off your parents’ money doing nothing for the rest of your life. By the looks of it, you’ll be around a long time. You’re luckier than anyone I know.”

“Yeah, too bad I don’t feel so lucky.”

Then I thought about Lexa. That might be a stroke of good luck. Maybe things really were turning around for me. “Look, Layne, I’d love to sit here and shoot the shit with you all day, but I have a hot date with a sexy nurse. So you’ll forgive me if I have to go.”

“Well, when you’re done slumming around Savannah, there’s a job waiting for you.” His end of the phone went dead, and I laughed. Lexa didn’t seem like she came from the slum, and considering what she’d told me, I suspected she came from money. Maybe not insane money like me, but close enough.

I sat up and lost the towel to get myself dressed. Then I rushed downstairs to check out the pan of enchiladas and realized they hadn’t been touched. Mattie had cooked them the night before and knowing her cooking, they would be delicious. I’d opted for beer and a sandwich. I turned up the oven halfway and slid them inside. With any luck, Lexa would be into Mexican food.