"Come on, I'm just trying to help. I mean, you've quit college and are searching for something to do. You should at least think about it."

"Think about it? As if I'm not thinking about my own future? As if I'm just waiting around for someone to tell me what to do?"

I could not believe what a detour our conversation had taken. I dug my fingernails into the steering wheel and kept going. "You're back living with your parents and I know that's not where you really want to be, no matter how great they are being. It was just a good idea."

"Naturally, it’s a good idea because you came up with it," she said. "There's no way I could ever look at my own life and make my own decision, is there? That would just be crazy."

"Whoa, this conversation is what is crazy," I said.

Quinn stopped talking to me.

I drove into the parking ramp behind Caesar's Palace and started circling the levels for a parking space. Her glow was gone and, in its place, her chin was rigid. By the fourth level, I realized I had not even asked her what she had in mind. Her father had said she was studying for something, but I had forgotten to ask.

"Quinn, I'm sorry. I was just making an observation. You were amazing out there and you probably saved that man's life. Could you ever see yourself doing that for a living?" I asked.

She softened as we finally found a parking spot and I turned the car off. "I'm sorry too. I'm just sick and tired of people making decisions for me. And this is a huge decision, one that I'm really proud of, so I want to make sure that it is all mine."

I said a quick prayer that she was not leaving to go abroad and then asked, "So, when do I get to hear all about it?"

Quinn laughed. "Well, I'm annoyed because you already pretty much guessed it. I've been taking my EMT training course. I'm ready to take the certification soon. That EMT gave me his card so I would know a good company to sign up with once I got my certification."

I leaned my head against the steering wheel and just barely missed the horn. "As if I didn't feel like a jealous idiot before," I said. "Here I am giving you sage advice about a career you are already pursuing. Is this what life is going to be like from now on? You always one step ahead of me?"

"First one to the room wins?" Quinn asked. She jumped out of the car.

I caught her by the trunk and pulled her into a swift kiss. "That is for saving a man's life and this is for making my life extraordinary."

"What, no kiss for saving you from jail?"

"Sure, but I don't think your father and I are on kissing terms quite yet," I said.

She laughed and pulled out her rolling suitcase. "Wait, before we go in, what did you want to talk to me about?"

"What?" I was suddenly very careful about checking the zippers on my luggage.

"In the car, before I made you stop. You were saying something and it sounded kind of important. What did you want to talk about?" Quinn asked.

"Oh," I said. "I just wanted to know if you want to join me for the competitor’s cocktail hour later on. I know you said you changed to the fun tournament, but you can come as my date."

"I'd love to!"

I followed her light stride into Caesar's Palace and into the opulent lobby. I could not spare the marble statues a single look. All I could think about was Quinn. It was crazy, but she still did not know how much I loved her. I had almost proposed in the car, but she still smiled at me the same as she always had.

It was a relief when my clan members materialized out of the crowd near the registration counter. "Did you hear?" Artemis asked.

Alan shook his head. "Of course he didn't hear. He's been a little busy."

"Oh, then let me, please?" Tony asked.

Milan pushed him aside. "No, this is just too good. I'll tell him."

"Tell me what?" I asked.

"Anya has been barred from playing," Artemis, Tony, and Milan said together.

I turned to Alan. "What are they talking about?" I asked.

"Turns out the Green Witch Ayaan is known for more than just her shady plays against our girl Arrowa, here," Alan said. "She was cited by the tournament organizers as 'play that does not befit the tournament spirit.'"