I stifled a scream. When I whirled around and saw it was Trent, I slapped his arm hard. "Why are you sneaking up on me? What are you doing here?"

"Jasper invited me. Didn't he tell you we met? How's that for a coincidence? Though, I'd like to think maybe it was fate," Trent said. His normally flamboyant energy was subdued and even his smile was a lower wattage than normal.

"Fate? What are you talking about?" My heart was still in my throat.

"I miss you, Quinn. I know you've moved on and you don't really want to forgive me, but I have to know we can at least be friends," Trent said.


I peeked around the corner and was relieved when Jasper was gone. The neighbor's door was shut tight. "Alright, friend, help me figure out something," I said. "Let's say I have this other friend who keeps getting his apartment searched by the cops. Then I see his roommate paying off a neighbor with an envelope of cash."

"So, the roommate's setting up your friend," Trent said.

"But why?"

"You know you're sounding crazy, right?" Trent asked.

I pushed my hair back. "Yeah, I know. How about you just tell me how you and Jasper met, instead?"

"It was the night of that awful dinner party at your parents' house," Trent said.

I stifled another scream, this one of frustration. "You mean the dinner party that you brought your 'boy toy' to? You are the one that made it awful."

Trent shrugged. "Well, anyway, my 'boy toy' as you call him wanted to go out clubbing. Then it turns out he likes to get high too. Before I know it, he's off dancing with this group of locals. Turns out one of them was Jasper. I mentioned Summerlin and he talked about living here with Owen. I put the rest together. Crazy, right?"

"Where did Nicky get the drugs?" I asked.


"Your 'boy toy,' Nicky? Where did he get the drugs?" I asked again more slowly.

"From the locals. Good stuff too. Maybe you should try some pot, it might mellow you out. Though I have to say you are looking really good."

"Do you think he got it from Jasper?" I asked.

"It wouldn't surprise me." Trent smiled, catching on. "Wait, is Owen your friend and Jasper the shady roommate that's paying off the neighbor? That makes so much sense."

"How does that make any sense?"

"If Jasper really is a drug dealer, then he has a built-in scapegoat with your boy Owen. It’s easy for people to believe a 'professional gamer' is a pothead that probably sells to his friends. So, when Jasper starts to feel a little heat, he moves on and leaves Owen to take the blame," Trent said.

"Oh my God, I have to find Owen," I said.

"Right behind you," Trent said. I waved him away, but he was never one to turn down a party invitation or the possibility of a scene.



I tried to ditch Trent at the door to Owen's apartment, but he would not be put off. So, it was almost a relief when Jasper came over.

"Trent, good to see you again. Isn't it crazy that we all know each other?" Jasper asked.

I laughed. "What a coincidence. And thanks for inviting my ex-boyfriend to your party. That's not weird at all."

Jasper held up his hands. "Whoa, I thought you were friendly. Trent said it was a mutual breakup."

"Of course, he did." I gave Trent a look. The whole situation was a farce, but I had to go along with it. "Trent was just telling me he'd love to see some of your work. He knows a lot of students at UCLA that are thinking about starting their own businesses over the summer. Maybe he can recommend you to do the website design."