Owen was at the bar with Anya. She had both arms around him, her hands tucked into the back pockets of his pants. His hand was light on her shoulder, but even that casual touch ignited a fury of jealous in me. I pushed away the ridiculous feeling. Of course, they were perfect for each other. She was the opposite of Sienna in every way and just what Owen needed.

Dave waved a champagne flute in front of my eyes. "Snagged these from a waiter. I may not have made it to the second round, but at least Davon evolved a little farther. Let's celebrate," he said.

I forced a smile and clinked my champagne flute against his. "Definitely a reason to celebrate. Thanks for saving me a lucky seat," I said.

"Now isn't this cute," Anya interrupted. "Two newbies. You're the Orcan, right? That's perfect for you, Quinn. A human and an Orcan make a great team in Dark Flag. Come on, Owen, let's leave these two to strengthen their partnership."

Owen did not move. "I didn't get a chance to congratulate you, Quinn. Actually, the tournament committee gave me something to present to you. Can I steal you away for a moment?"

He laced his fingers through mine and pulled me into the second bedroom. Before he could say anything he blinked at my suitcase closed and ready to go. "Are you leaving?"

"Yeah, actually, I got a room for myself. It was feeling a little crowded around here. Plus, I got the feeling that you and Anya might want a little space."

"Me and Anya? What about you and the skinny desk clerk? What's with that?" Owen asked.

"Are you kidding? I'm not the one with my hands all over a Green Witch. Do you have any idea how awkward I've felt?"

Owen rubbed his forehead. "Let me guess, Anya's been making you feel like a third wheel. I thought you knew me better than that, Quinn. I'm not with Anya and I don't want to be. So don't use that as an excuse. If you don't want to stay here, you don't have to."

"I love it here, but I haven't earned my place. This is your party," I said.

Owen took both my hands and pulled me closer. "No, this is your party. You're the one that just won your first tournament."

My cheeks got hot. "Thanks. So you understand how that makes it even more important for me to strike out on my own, right? I have to earn my place, especially in Light Clan. Otherwise, I will never earn any respect in this world."

Owen picked up the room key that I had left on top of my suitcase. "Does that mean I'm not allowed to visit?"

"No, of course not."

"You're not going to let that scrawny Orcan carry your suitcase, are you?" Owen asked.

"You're not going to let that Green Witch put you under a spell are you?" I asked.

Owen's lips curved. "Here, let me help you." He picked up my suitcase and headed out of the suite.

Anya caught him at the door. "After the newbies have all gone for their naps we're heading over to the Venetian. You coming?"

"No thanks," Owen said. "I'm not in the mood for gambling tonight."

"Who said anything about gambling? We can always grab a bottle and ride a gondola," Anya said.

Owen unhooked her hands from his collar and headed towards the elevators. "Goodnight. Tell the Clan I'll see 'em in Dark Flag later."

I stepped into the elevator first. "You don't have to do this. Go have fun with your clan," I told him.

When I turned around, Owen's lips seared across my words. I heard my suitcase drop to the elevator floor as his hands encircled my waist. He smiled through the kiss, his lips moving across mine like warm honey. Our mouths opened just as the elevator stopped at another floor.

Owen stepped back just as four people joined us. We did not say another thing until we reached the door of my new room.

"Can I come in?" he asked.

I nodded and opened the door. He came inside and shut the door behind him then caught my waist. He pulled me against him as he leaned back on the door and our lips met again. I was off-balance, dizzy, and pressed against his body for support. Everywhere we touched, heat ignited.

His hands brushed back my loose hair, his fingers tips tickling my neck. I gasped against his kiss and felt him smile again. He kept the sensation going as his fingers trailed down my bare shoulders. I gasped again and this time, his warm tongue traced my bottom lip.

I moved up on my tip toes to answer his exploration and the friction between our bodies pulled a low groan from him. Owen's hands slipped to my waist, and he pressed me hard against him.

"Not enough," he whispered against my lips. "Not enough."