"I like the sound of the hot springs. Maybe at this time of day it won't be too crowded?" I asked.

The manager immediately promised that we would have the hot springs all to ourselves for the next two hours. Penn laughed at the thought of anyone spending two hours in the super-heated water, but he nodded. The flock of staff members scattered and within minutes we were escorted out to the steaming pools and left on our own.

"Well-played," Penn said. "But I thought you wanted to take advantage? What happened to wanting everything?"

"I am regretting that you turned down the champagne," I said.

Penn grinned as I slipped out of my satin robe and into the hot springs. "Then I'll get it for you, with my own money, and not on Xavier's tab. I want you to know who to thank."

I tied my hair up in a bun. "Then I'll thank myself for having such a great idea. Are you sure you can afford champagne? They'll bring you the best bottle, whether that's what you want or not."

"Funny you should mention that." Penn sat down next to the hot spring and dipped his feet in the steaming water. He flagged down a faraway, hovering staff member and ordered the champagne. "There's talk that this black sheep is reformed, and, now that he's getting married, he might even get his trust fund back."

"Trust fund?"

Penn laughed. "Yeah. I'd forgotten all about it, but since I turned thirty, my accountant called to mention it. The amount doubles if I get married during my thirtieth year."

He chuckled over it like a great joke, but even the super-heated water could not warm the chill I suddenly felt. So, now, I was just the means for him to reclaim the money he'd throw away?

When the champagne arrived, it tasted sour. It was probably the hot water and the steam, but to me it felt like more. I recognized the label on the bottle and knew there was no way I could afford that champagne. Not even if I worked successfully at the Ritz for ten years.

It always came back to the money. I felt it in my gut like a hard twist. If I couldn't earn the money for something, then I couldn't have it. That had been the hard lesson learned again and again in my childhood, but now it was the line against which I measured my morals.

I needed to make my own way. I could never be dependent on another like my mother had been.

All those years she cared for my father, stayed at home with me, and then when she was sick, he couldn't afford to give her good care, much less the best. She wasted away under that negligence, unable to take care of herself. I had promised myself then that I would always be able to take care of myself, no matter what.

"Not enjoying the hot springs?" Penn asked. He splashed into the water beside me, despite the prominent beads of sweat popping out on his forehead. "You can always go in and do the whole facial, hot-stone massage, manicure, or whatever else you want."

I shook my damp head. "No, this is a birthday gift for you. I'm just taking advantage. Actually, I think I'm going to go."

I hauled myself out of the heavenly hot water and grabbed a resort towel.

Penn caught my ankle. "Hey, don't look so down. I have an idea if you want to get out of here. You know, you haven't given me a birthday present yet."

I tugged my ankle away from him and gave him a rueful smile. "I know what you think would make a good birthday present, but I'm sorry, that's not part of our deal."

"Our deal," he snorted. "It's not really a business transaction, you know."

I had to grab a lawn chair to steady myself when he pulled himself out of the water. The steam clung to him, his tanned skin slick with the water. He brushed it off his arms and chest, but the heat still shone on his skin. I had the wild desire to taste him and had to shake it off before I could form a clear thought.

"Fine. It's not business, but it's not a relationship, either. And, we're not going to sleep together, if that's what you're thinking of as a present." I wrapped the towel tighter around me.

Penn shook water droplets from his shaggy hair. "No. That's not what I was thinking. I was thinking that this resort has a really great little Tiki bar."

"Bar? It's a little early in the morning for that, don't you think?"

He plucked the still half-full champagne bottle out of the ice stand. "I know the bar's not open, but when you see it, I think you'll be glad we took full advantage of our hosts here."

He was right, I later grumbled to myself.

We had pulled back on our clothes and announced our intention of using the bar. The ingratiating manager scurried in front of us and threw open the padded doors that lead to the Tiki bar. He turned on the lights, pointed out more, then bowed to Penn's edict that we be left alone.

"Darn," I joked. "Who's going to pour me a drink?"

Penn winked and slid behind the bar. He made a big show of uncorking our already open bottle of champagne and filling my glass. I took a sip as he fumbled with the switches on the back wall.

"There. That should do it. Now, look," Penn nodded behind me.