"What? That's what you think?" Sandi asked.

"Is everyone eavesdropping on me?" I asked. I stood up and faced everyone in the suite.

"The patio doors are wide open, man," Kev said.

"You were there, you heard the same thing," I reminded him.

"Well, I was there, too, and I was actually the one that Kya was talking to, so let me set you straight," Sandi said. She propped her tiny fists on her slim hips. "Kya said that Jackson McRay is the one she is supposed to choose. But you are the one

she desires."

"Oooh," Dana Maria said. She fanned herself. "Now tell me which one you'd rather be."

"That doesn't mean she's going to choose me," I said. "He's the better choice, right?"

Dana Maria looked ill. "Not from what I hear."

"Not from what we've seen," Kev muttered.

I waved a hand to cut him off. "What have you heard, Sis?"

"He's been down to my club a few times, thankfully, not while I was on. At first, the girls were all excited. They fought over him. You know, nice-looking rich guy in suave clothes. They all thought he was Prince Charming."

I could not keep still and started pacing. "So, what made them change their minds?"

"He'd tell them all the people he knew, hint at all the ways he could get them fired or worse, then he was all hands. The bouncers were on him right away, but some of the girls were too afraid to call them. He thought he could do whatever he wanted."

"I'm going to kill him," I said.

"No, don't worry about it," Dana Maria said. "The girls aren't stupid. Word's spread and no one is going near him. Jackson McRay is his own STD as far as the women of Las Vegas are concerned."

"Ugh, it’s always the all-American handsome ones that are the misogynists," Sandi said.

"Don't worry, honey, that's not me," Kev said. "Well, except for the handsome part." He turned to me. "Guess we don't have to worry about people not believing us anymore. Turns out lots of people know what a slime ball Jackson McRay is."

"Except Kya," I said.

I charged for the door. Kev stepped in front of me. "Forget about Jackson McRay. I'll leak the story. We'll get some of Dana Maria's girls to speak out. He'll be ruined. You don't need to go down with him."

"I'm not going to fight him. I'm not going anywhere near Jackson," I said.

"You have to report to the arena in an hour. You're not going anywhere," Kev said.

"Fenton, forget about it. It’s just a distraction," Dana Maria said.

"Move, Kev. You know I have to see her," I said.

Kev nodded and stepped aside. "Tell Kya we'll see her at the fight."



"Hello, beautiful. Aren't you going to invite me in?" Jackson asked. His bright white teeth flashed when he smiled.

Jackson was hard to resist. His tan skin, his warm brown eyes, the square jaw, he was the picture of the perfect man. He was also tall with broad shoulders. His biceps were well defined, his stomach flat and hard. He was stronger and more intimidating than his pastel shirts and friendly smile suggested.

I felt a cold chill despite his warm smile. "Actually, I would, but I'm just on my way out. I'd love if you wanted to walk me out," I said.