Kev grabbed me just in time. My momentum carried us over to slam against the desk. Jackson stepped aside and grabbed Sienna's arm.

"So heroic for nothing. Come on, let's find somewhere more private," he said. "I mean, you wouldn't want your little reality show to get slammed with a slander lawsuit, would you? You might not understand much about business, but you realize that's bad for your image, right?"

Sienna looked at me, confused. She let Jackson start to pull her out the back door of the office.

"What do you think you're doing?" I asked Jackson.

"Taking what she offered. There's no crime in that," Jackson said.

"She said 'no,' Jackson, and you're going to have to deal with that," I said. "You can't force her."

"Force her?" Jackson asked. "Like I forced her to come here and flirt with me, getting all handsy on camera. Just like I forced your sister to wear next to nothing. A woman who flaunts it wants it."

My fingers balled into tight fists. "That's the difference between us. I don't have my head so far up my ass that I don't understand the difference between casual flirting and begging for sex."

"Women beg me all the time. Your sister's outfit begged for it," Jackson said.

I lunged again and this time Kev did not stop me. Jackson let go of Sienna and she fell hard against a bookshelf. Hardcover books crashed to the floor as I slammed into Jackson.

He took one good punch to the gut. I underestimated the soft appearance of his lime colored Polo shirt. He was rock hard, but still lost his breath. Jackson came at me with a clumsy swing, and I ducked.

It was on.



"What are you doing?"

It was not hard to figure out where Fenton was. The luncheon was on hold while a crowd gathered outside a small side office.

I pushed past Sienna's camera crew and stood frozen in the doorway. Jackson had Fenton in a headlock as Fenton pounded at his mid-section. Jackson's face was red with pain and exertion, but he was not letting go. Neither man stopped when I cried out.

"Kev, do something," I said. I ran into the room but did not know how to approach the scuffling men.

"Like get punched in the face? No thanks," Kev said.

"Can't you stop them?" I asked Sienna.

She gave a pale smile. "What I should do is get the cameras rolling."

"Of course," I said. I jumped forward and grabbed Jackson's arm. He ignored my nails digging into his forearm until I almost drew blood.

Fenton stopped punching as soon as I drew near and held his hands out to the sides, palms open. "I'm done. I'm done with him."

Jackson released his neck and they shoved away from each other.

"What is going on?" I asked the room at large.

"You've never seen two guys fighting over a woman?" Sienna asked. She fluffed up her bleach blonde hair and pinched color back into her cheeks.

Jackson gave Sienna a smile, despite his shortness of breath. "Yeah, that's it. Sienna and I were having a little private time away from the cameras and your mad dog here busted in the door. Couldn't stand to see someone else with Sienna, I guess."

"You had your chance," Sienna told Fenton.

"Just jealousy," Jackson said.

I turned to Fenton, but all he said was, "Why are you here?"