"Yes. If you want it," I said. I sat down on the white sofa and opened the bottle of red wine.

"Sure, sounds good. Are you having any, or did your golfer spoil you with the expensive kind?"

"We drank a nice bottle," I said. "But this is the expensive stuff."

"So, how did it go?"

I put the glass of wine in front of him and then sat back before sipping my own. "Good. I think I've got him convinced to negotiate with a power tool company. Hopefully, the contract will be signed tomorrow."

"You're seeing him again tomorrow?" Fenton asked. He dropped the leftover burger on his plate and picked up his wine.

"Maybe. I don't have any other plans," I said. I gave in to the impulse that had been nagging me ever since I saw him. My hand slipped across the wide expanse of his back and rubbed up so my fingers could tangle in his black hair. "I thought I might be tired and want to sleep in after tonight."

He turned and pinned me with his laser blue eyes. "About that, Kya, I think we might have to slow down."

I pulled my hand back and dropped it in my lap. "I understand. You don't need any more distractions before the title fight."

"Exactly. Please don't read anything more into it," he said.

"I won't. But I think I'll take my glass of wine and head for bed." I stood up.

He grabbed my wrist and stood up. "I don't know how to do this, Kya."

"Say goodnight?" I asked him.

"No," his lips quirked in a smile despite his serious tone. "I don't know how to balance whatever this is and work. It’s always been nothing but work for me. It should be nothing but work until the title fight, but–"

The kiss was a sudden combustion, burning hot and bright, until we finally broke apart. Fenton was out of breath and I was blushing. He ran a hand through his black hair and gave me a rueful smile.

"So, after you made fun of me for balancing work and life, you're having the same problem," I said.

"We're having the same problem." He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me tight.

I tipped my chin up so I could see his bright blue eyes. "Then, we need to set a few rules."

"Rules? Ah, fuck it," Fenton said. "Will you be my date to the fight promotion party tomorrow night?"

I laughed. "Fine, you're not one for rules, I get it. Yes, I'll be your date tomorrow night."

He kissed me one long, last time and then said goodnight. I closed the door to the master bedroom and did a silent dance of joy. Fenton wanted me to be his date! Not just waiting for him in the suite, not just there at the party, but there with him for everyone to see.

I fell asleep with a smile on my face, but woke up early in a fit of terror. A big party with lots of paparazzi was more pressure than my limited wardrobe could withstand. I had nothing to wear.

Fenton laughed when I joined him for breakfast. "Then, you won't mind that Kev had the same thought. He's bringing over a designer friend of his and she's bringing a whole rack of dresses for you to try on."

"You told Kev I was going to be your date?" I wanted to pinch myself. I had not just dreamt it, it was really happening.

"Maybe 'told' is too strong a word. Kev was already conniving for us to go together. Either you or that reality star Sienna," Fenton said.

My heart sank. Sienna was the leggy blonde Fenton had draped all over him after his last win. She was the obvious choice for the event.

"You don't have to take me just to be nice," I told him.

Fenton gave me a funny look, but before he could say anything there was knock on the door. Kev burst into the suite followed by a long rack of dresses. A shy woman with stick straight blonde hair and a sweet smile came in last and waved at me.

"Kya, I want you to meet Sandi," Kev said. "Not only is she a stylist to the stars, but she is a dress designer. She assures me she'll find you something perfect to wear tonight. And, we get to watch."

Sandi shook her head at Kev. "I said you are not allowed to watch. Nice try, though."