"See you tonight," I said against his warm and smiling lips.



I was relieved when I dropped into the cab's backseat. My head was still spinning from Fenton's kiss. The driver told me there was traffic and it would be longer than expected. I nodded and leaned back, fully expecting to enjoy the peace and quiet. I needed to think; I needed to get my balance back.

"In town for business or pleasure?" the cab driver asked.

"Business," I said. His casual question started my mind racing around the real problem I was having separating the two things.

"Really? That's too bad. Unless you like your work. I love my work," he said.

"Do you like living in Vegas?" I asked.

He nodded into the rearview mirror but did not accept my change of subject. "What do y

ou do for a living?"

"I'm a sports agent. I help athletes get endorsement deals and connect brands with sports representation," I said.

"Well, we got all kinds of athletes here," the cab driver said. "Just this morning I've had two basketball players, a boxer, and a Kung Fu master. Can you believe that? Bet this town is good for your business."

"Yes, my thoughts exactly," I said. "I'm thinking of moving here. Or at least, staying for a while." It still felt crazy to say it out loud and I always braced myself for other people to laugh.

"You'll love it," he said. "Who are you here to sign?"

"Fenton Morris, the martial arts fighter. Do you know him?" I asked.

"Do I know him?" The cab driver gestured to one of Fenton's billboards. "Though, he sounds like a rough customer. Got a real reputation, that one. A nice girl like you would do better with the tennis players or the golfers. Or how about the video gamers? Everyone says it’s like an up and coming sport."

I shook my head. Fenton's reputation seemed like its own entity. Would I have to date it, too? I held my breath. Was I dating Fenton Morris? We had never really talked about it. His jealousy made us seem exclusive, but he did have a reputation to maintain. What would people say if they knew he was dating someone like me?

"So you like those martial arts fights? All the blood? You don't strike me as that kind of girl," the cab driver said.

"Then, I guess I'd surprise you," I said. Maybe my reputation was the greater hindrance. I always thought it helped me with work, but I was sick of it. It was time for a change. I promised myself that Jackson McRay would be the first client I landed as myself, not some prim and proper projection of what the other person wanted.

With that thought bolstering my courage, I sprang from the cab and stopped in shock. Jackson McRay had beaten me to the restaurant, and he was arm in arm with Dana Maria. More than arm in arm, his hand trailed along her neck and dipped down the front of her revealing sea-foam dress. I could not read her expression, but Jackson's smile was predatory.

"Sorry if I'm late," I said. "There was a lot of traffic on the Strip."

Jackson stepped in front of Dana Maria, giving her his back and not looking around again. "There's my beautiful date. I have been waiting, but it was worth it."

I sidestepped his charming smile and greeted Fenton's sister. "Nice to see you again, Dana Maria."

"I'm not checking up on you if that's what you think," she said. "I have a private gig in the adjoining hotel and your friend here snagged me as I walked past."

"Private gig?" I asked.

"Yes," Dana Maria tossed her hair, "I dance for private parties, bachelor nights, and whatever. There's good money in it and I stick to the high-end hotels where everything is on the up and up."

"Alone? Does Fenton know?" I asked.

"Look, hun, I'm a professional and, despite you turning your nose up at me, I love what I do. Fenton knows and he's proud of me for making my own way in the world," Dana Maria said.

"No, I just meant, I wanted to make sure it was safe for you. Fenton would not like you going into a bachelor party alone," I said.

She sniffed at me. "I got a bodyguard, but I can take care of myself. Better hope you can say the same thing," she said. She gave Jackson's back a sharp look and then turned on her platform heels. A burly man appeared from the hallway and followed her to the elevators.