I escaped the kitchen and went to the door. I hoped it was Kev Casey. If anyone thrived in awkward situations, it was Fenton's manager. I pulled the door open.

Dana Maria sauntered past me in a jaw-dropping blue lace dress. The color and the barely-there clinging material made it look like she was wearing nothing but sea foam. She even had seashell clips in her long black curls and giant silver starfish earrings.

"Really?" Jackson exclaimed. "Have you no decency? You invite a stripper up to Kya's suite in the middle of the day?"

Dana Maria laughed. "It's not like I'm a vampire."

"I have no problem with you," Jackson said. He got up from the kitchen counter. "I didn't mean to offend you. Kya, you're really okay with this? No wonder you're interested in a higher class of client."

"Jackson, I'd like you to meet Fenton's sister, Dana Maria," I said. I understood that Jackson was just trying to defend my honor, but if Fenton did not punch him, I would consider doing it myself.

Dana Maria tossed her hair and came over to shake Jackson's hand. "Nice to meet you, handsome."

Jackson held on to her hand, swinging it away from her body as he thoroughly studied her dress. "Beauty and the bruiser. I suppose you can't choose your family."

"Now, don't get my baby brother all riled up. He promised me a nice lunch to celebrate his big win. Ready?" Dana Maria asked Fenton.

"Almost," Fenton said. He took one bristling step towards Jackson.

The golfer ignored him and turned to me. "I've disrupted your morning enough. How about we discuss the endorsement plans over dinner?"

"Oh, it's pretty straightforward," I said.

"Good, I'll go make the reservations and send you the info," Jackson said. "All you need to do is pull together some other options besides vitamin supplements. I'd like to convey a different image than some of your other clients."

Jackson left a stretch of awkward silence in his wake. Fenton took a lap around the suite, trying to shake it off. I crept back to the kitchen and poured myself another cup of coffee.

Dana Maria fluffed her hair. "I do like a clean-cut man. Even had his Polo shirt tucked in. Bet he's hiding a dirty, dirty mind under all that polish. Are you sure that isn't what your little Ms. Priss likes?" she asked Fenton.

"Stay away from Jackson McRay," Fenton told his sister. "There's something off about him. I should have knocked his teeth out."

"But then how would Ms. Allen make a mint off him? God knows she's only interested in him for the business. Why else would the Country Club Princess head out to dinner with the likes of him? I bet she can't stand the good manners, cloth napkins, and wine lists."

"She's capable of having a business dinner without it turning to sex," I said. I put my cup down and marched across the suite. "Now, if you're done talking about me, I actually have work to do."

"Scoping out hot athletes. Sounds like a tough day to me," Dana Maria said.

I tried to ignore her and headed into the master bedroom to get my laptop. Fenton told his sister to wait by the elevator and followed me inside.

"What are you doing this afternoon?" he asked.

"Really? You're letting your sister get in your head?" I asked. "I'm going to put on my little black bikini and spend the rest of the day flirting with any athlete that looks my way. You know my method, reel them in, have sex with them, and make 'em sign before they get dressed."

"You're right, I'm sorry," Fenton said. "You can't be even a little flattered that I get jealous?"

"There's a difference between jealous and territorial. I'm not a piece of meat for you and Jackson to circle around like dogs," I said.

"So you agree that the golfer is looking for more than an endorsement deal."

"It doesn't matter what he's looking for." I ripped open the closet and started looking for a dress to wear later. "Like I said, I am perfectly capable of controlling myself."

"Good," he said. He caught me and pulled me around to face him. "I only like it when you lose control with me."

"After hours, after we're both done with work," I said. I tipped my chin away from him primly.

"Then, it’s a date. Have your dinner, sign your new client, and I'll be here to celebrate when you're done," he said. "I've been thinking about you and me and that view from the balcony."

The thought washed through me and I felt myself melting. Fenton was magnetic. How could I explain that no one else attracted me like him? I wrapped myself around him and gave him a kiss we would both feel the rest of the day.