I tried to concentrate on work and not the crumbling feeling in my heart.



I tried not to look at Kya anymore, but I could feel the look in her eyes. I had had that look before. She still smiled, she still danced, but her eyes were far away. She was on the other side of the wall I put up. Now, there was nothing but business between us.

The party kept going and I kept up with it. Sienna did not notice that I switched out lots of the tequila shots for water. She was too busy with her cameras and they were too busy with her. The reality show was exhausting and her plastered on smiles were wearing me down. I was glad when the party finally started to break up.

My swollen eye did bother me. Kya had been the only one to ask about it. My shoulders were stiff, my arms sore, the effort of the fight was finally weighing down on me. The crowd inside the suite thinned out and once the music stopped, I switched back to real Tequila. There was no wall of people hiding Kya from my sight. It was time to get drunk.

I did not know why I had to keep her at a distance. Winning the fight, signing the endorsement, admitting that she could be an integral part of my life – it was all too much. I needed to take a step back, but now it felt like a step off a jagged cliff.

"You did good, kid," Aldous said. He held up his phone. "My wife wants to say hello."

"Hello, Tia. Yes, thank you. Yeah, you're right it is about time for me to move my stuff out of your basement. Yes, I'll tell him. Okay, goodnight," I said.

Aldous laughed. "She figures now that you're up the next rung you can afford to get your own place. Gotta say I wouldn't mind it being somewhere around here. Tia either. She wouldn't mind kissing those cold winters goodbye."

"You like it here, too?" I asked.

"Aha! See, I told you he was thinking about making Vegas his base," Kev said. He swayed against Aldous and threw an arm around his neck. "I love this town. I knew you'd love this town. Let's do it, let's move here."

"Whoa, slow down, Kev. How much have you had to drink?" I asked.

"Enough to tell you that this is the best idea Team Fenton has ever had," he replied. "I mean, come on, most of your fights are out here or in Southern California. We could drive there like in a convertible across the desert."

"You've been watching too many movies," Aldous said.

"Who has time for movies? I've been getting this guy gigs, then getting to the gigs, then making sure he doesn't misbehave enough to get dropped from the gig. I'm exhausted," Kev said.

"What makes you think living out here would make it any different?" I asked.

Kev eyed a few of the beautiful women on their way out of the party. "I could relax by the pool here in between. You know, take in the sights."

I took another shot of Tequila and let the warmth wash over me. "Alright, say I was interested. You really think we could make a go of it out here?"

Aldous smiled. "Here is better than anywhere. Tia's sick of you living in our basement. I'm sick of being on the road. Kev's right, most of the fights are around here. Weekends with the family would be really nice."

"Yes! Yes! This is what I was telling Kya," Kev said.

I stopped cold then slammed another shot. "You talked to Kya about moving to Las Vegas?"

"Yeah, she was thinking about it on her own. No more lonely little house in Chicago," Kev explained. "She wants to set up shop here."

"What are you three talking about so cute over here?" Sienna asked. She was still on, even though she waved to her exhausted camera crew as they left.

"We're talking about living in Vegas," Kev said. He sidled closer to Sienna and gave her a sloppy smile. "What do you think about that?"

"Yuck, it's good for a weekend, good for some fun shots for the show, but I'm not sticking around," she said.

"Well, good luck with that," Kev told her. He rolled his eyes at me and followed another trio of pretty ladies out to the elevator.

"Good night," Aldous said. "We'll talk shop in the morning, not too early."

I stood in the door and expected Sienna to leave, too. Instead, she smiled and laid a very long kiss on my cheek. Then, she sashayed over the white sofa and curled up close to the fireplace. She crooked a finger, indicating I was supposed to come and sit with her. For a minute, I hesitated. Kya was tipping the careering staff and directing some of the party clean up. She refused to look at me, so I went to sit with Sienna.

"I had a good time tonight," Sienna said. She ran a hand up and down my sore bicep. "You'd make a good regular on the show. I think fans will like you as much as I do."