I turned my hand over and squeezed his fingers. "I was mad at you, too, but I didn't get blind drunk."

"No, you left," he said.

The way he said it twisted my heart as if I had done something unforgivable. "I didn't leave. I got out of your way. You had a guest, remember?"

"So, you went off and picked up that pretty boy golfer?" he asked. "You trying to make me jealous?"

"Jealous? I'm not the one crashing dates around here," I said.

He smirked even as his eyes drifted closed. "You know you don't have anything to be jealous about. You just wanted me, I just wanted you."

I fought the urge to brush back his thick black hair. Fenton eased farther back against the pillows and flinched.

"Here, take some aspirin. You're going to need a clear head when you see the photograph of all of us," I said.

"One big happy family?" he asked.

"One big pissed off security guard," I said. "And, it's all over social media."

"Don't care about that," he muttered. "Just know I've seen guys like Jackson before. He looks good, but he's rotten. He only wants one thing."

"To ruin your career?" I asked. "Oh, wait, that's you."

Fenton opened his eyes

. "Let me guess, I'm on probation."

"Did you do it on purpose?" I was not sure I wanted to know the answer, but I could not help but ask.

He shook his head. His eyes never leaving mine. "Why are you still here, Kya?"

I set the aspirin down on the bedside table and avoided his look. "The probation is nothing. All you have to do is lay low until your next fight and everything will be fine."

"Seriously. Why are you still here?"

I looked at Fenton again and could not tell what he was feeling. It was impossible to know if he was pushing me, mocking me, or protecting himself. No matter what way, I was not up to the challenge. Fenton could hurt me too much, I already knew that.

"I heard from my boss and he says the vitamin people are even more interested now that you've gone viral," I said. "The deal is even better than it was and I have to make sure you consider it."

"That's it? Just doing your job?"

"It’s too good to pass up," I said. The deal was so good that it was worth wrecking the scraps of goodwill we had managed to pull back together. He deserved to hear about it, no matter what it did to us.

"Get out." Fenton turned off the light and rolled away from me. I got up and finally retreated across the suite to my own bedroom.

Don't be a fool, there is no us, I reminded myself.



I woke up to my head pounding and my phone ringing. Kya's bedroom door was shut. I would have slammed mine if I could stand the sound. Instead, I answered my phone.

"It’s me," my sister said.

"Where are you? I thought you were going to stay here?" I rolled over and blinked at the clock. "You're up early. I thought you would sleep in after your shift."

"Kinda hard to sleep in at my place," Dana Maria said.