"Shh, pretend like you meant all of this to happen. Pretend you did it all on purpose. I've been telling everyone you are my protégé and that I taught you everything you know. Don't make me look bad now, baby," James said.

"Because only you would start a fight in a restaurant and almost get your star athlete Tasered in order to boost his publicity and get more money for the endorsement deal," I said.

"Exactly. Keep up the good work, gorgeous!"

My boss hung up the phone and I closed my eyes. None of this was actually happening. I prayed I would wake up with a bad hangover only to find it was my first night in Vegas. Then, Fenton would be next to me and we would have a chance to start over.

The knock at the door made me jump a foot into the air. I smoothed down the black dress I still wore and steeled myself to greet the stripper, Dana Maria, and her friends. Instead, my jaw hit the floor when Jackson slipped into the suite and grabbed my hand.

"I had to come by and see how you are," he said. He kissed the back of my hand and then handed a box of chocolate-covered strawberries. He then produced a bottle of champagne and two flutes from his pockets. "I hear they go well with champagne and I know you like that, so here I am. I figured dinner got screwed up, so why not skip to dessert."

I opened my mouth, but no sound came out. How could I explain to him that Fenton was asleep in the next room? I had to tell him and try to make him believe it was strictly work before Fenton appeared and things got even stranger than earlier.

Jackson pressed a finger to my lips. "You don't have to say anything. I know you were pursuing Fenton for work. None of what happened tonight was your fault. You had no idea the guy would get crazy possessive of you and stalk you around Las Vegas."

He pulled me over to the couch and unwrapped the champagne bottle. The pop of the cork made me wince and when I opened one eye, I immediately looked at Fenton's door. "Jackson, there is something I have to tell you," I said.

"I'm telling you, Kya, there is no need to apologize. All I ask is that you taste one of these strawberries and have a sip of champagne. I hear it is the perfect combination," he said.

He lifted a strawberry to my mouth and I was forced to take a bite. Then, he handed me a champagne flute. I tried not to gulp it down and let the sweet oblivion help me escape my awkward reality.

"Delicious right?"

"Now, please, Jackson, I have to tell you something about Fenton," I said.

"No, don't worry. All I'm interested in is us," Jackson said. He leaned in and dropped a sweet kiss onto my still fizzy lips.

"It looks like all you're interested in is dying," Fenton interrupted. He stumbled against the doorframe of his bedroom. "Stand up, McRay, there's no armed security guard to do your dirty work for you this time."

"What the f?" Jackson said. "He's staying here? You've got to be kidding me. What does it take to get a minute alone with you?"

"I'm sorry, Jackson. My company put us up here in the hopes of convincing him to take the deal," I said.

"Come on, sweetheart, don't lie to the poor man," Fenton said. He gave me a wicked wink. "The suite was your idea, and it has been a sweet deal for both of us."

Jackson jumped up from the couch and squared off in front of Fenton. I was shocked that Jackson would willingly fight Fenton when I saw Fenton's eyes glaze over and his body sway.

"Stop it right now, both of you. Fenton, you're drunk, and, Jackson, you know he's in no shape to fight you or anybody," I said.

"He's been asking for a fight since the first night we met. You just strolled up and pulled her away from me. I bet you're not even really interested in her; you just want to mess with me. I know your type, always trying to get revenge on people who are better than you," Jackson said.

"That's enough." I pointed to the door. "He's not out to get you, this has nothing to do with you. And, it has nothing to do with me, either. Fenton's just making sure he keeps up his reputation, you know, the lone wolf that doesn't need anyone. You need to leave; you need to go pass out. Goodnight."

I put my hands on my hips and waited. Jackson glowered at Fenton. I was surprised when his look extended to me and felt relieved when he finally turned and headed out the door.

"Kya, I gotta tell you, I gotta say… I'm going to be sick," Fenton said. He rushed into his room and dove into the bathroom.

I cringed at the sounds I heard, but could not in good conscience retreat to my room and shut the door. Instead, I grabbed a large bottle of water from the refrigerator, found a bottle of aspirin, and followed him in.

"Are you alright? How much did you have to drink?" I asked.

Fenton shook his head slowly, "I'm fine. Just mixed my liquors. Should have stayed passed out."

"Why? Why did you decide to do this?" I asked.

He pushed past me and flopped into his bed. I pulled off his shoes and untangled his legs from the sheet. He took the bottle of water and drank a small sip.

I thought he had passed out again when he laid a hand on my wrist. "I was mad at you," he said.