I give him my most inviting smile, saying, “Well, you’re a reasonably attractive man. You can’t blame a girl for wanting to cat

ch an eyeful now and then, can you?”

He chuckles softly through his nose and continues to wash himself. After a minute, I do step out, not wanting to actually make him start associating my seeing him naked with him being uncomfortable, but I stay close.

After a few more minutes, I can hear the water splashing and I go back in as he’s getting out of the tub.

“Now, where were we?” he asks, grabbing a towel which I then grab from him.

“You were going to stand really still while I help you get dry,” I tell him. “You’re my patient, and it’s my duty to make sure that you’re well taken care of.”

Am I really going for the sexy nurse role play here? Am I so in need of a good lay that I’m willing to cheapen my profession by turning into a bedroom game?

“Yes, Nurse Butcher,” he says and before the next breath, he’s laughing.

“What?” I ask, feeling suddenly on the spot.

He tries to collect himself. “I’m sorry,” he says. “It’s just—Nurse Butcher. You’ve got to think that’s going to make some people a little nervous.”

“Oh, ha-ha,” I moan, rolling my eyes. “Keep acting like you never put my last name and the profession I’m training for together before.”

I’m not going to tell him this, but I actually did consider changing my last name when I decided to go into nursing. People are jittery enough when they’re in the hospital, and having someone called Nurse Butcher coming in and out of the room isn’t going to make that any easier.

For now, though, I let the towel glide over Mason’s firm body. In the days since he passed out, we’ve really started getting closer than either of us would allow before then. I really don’t think it’s all because I’m taking care of him, either.

The last few days, things have just been easier. We’re talking without the awkward pauses; we’re joking and teasing each other. It’s the way our relationship started, and I’m just glad that part of it isn’t gone for good.

Mason is still and cooperative as I dry his body, spending a little bit more time than is strictly necessary around the more exciting parts of his anatomy. His response is what I’d definitely call a positive one.

I resist the temptation to go too far before he’s safely back in bed, though I do lead him there with a new, dry towel in one hand while the other is wrapped around his erection.

He lies down and I tell him, “Be still.” I tell him, “Just relax.”

There’s no complaint.

I set the towel on the bed next to him and unfold it. He lifts himself and I slide the towel underneath him.

He eases himself back down and I start lifting my shirt.

“Need any—” he starts.

“I’ve got it,” I interrupt. “You just relax. Nurse Butcher will be with you in a moment.”

“You know, the title’s not nearly so intimidating when you’re getting undressed,” he says. “I don’t know if that’s something you’d want to do with all of your patients, but it’s really doing wonders for my morale.”

“Shh…” I respond, putting an index finger to my lips before returning both hands to my shirt and lifting it the rest of the way off of me.

I unfasten my bra and remove it, dropping it off the side of the bed.

“I’ve got to check your temperature,” I tell him.

I run my hands over his chest and down his hard abs, and I lower my mouth over him, guiding his tip between my lips. His skin’s cool from the bath, but he’s already starting to warm up against my tongue.

His hand comes softly, his fingers brushing through my hair, but I lift my head, telling him to just relax. When I feel him against my tongue again, he’s warmed up considerably.

With one hand around him, I take him a little deeper in my mouth. He lets out a long, low hum, and I feel him flex a little as I continue to suck him.

“Is this how you normally take a patient’s temperature?” he asks.