He kissed me and the roughness of his beard rubbed against my face. I had never kissed someone with a beard before and it was an entirely new sensation for me. My lips moved gently around his and I tried to avoid feeling his hair against my lips. Our tongues moved with each other and then I noticed that there were four guys in the room behind Chris. They tried not to look at us but awkwardly looked at one another.

“Hey babe,” he said and he grabbed my hand and we walked to the dining room on the other end of the front entryway.

He looked tired, more than tired; Chris looked exhausted. I could tell he had been busy and I didn’t need to ask him more about what he had been busy doing. It was very apparent that he had been busy trying to figure out who had found his home and tried to attack him there.

“I was worried about you. Then Gunner punched Robert and made me go with him, I didn’t know what was going on.”

“I got word that they were stalking your house and looking for me. I didn’t want someone else to grab you so I sent Gunner and the guys. Sorry if it scared you.”

“Robert tried to attack Gunner and got punched. He probably has already called the local police. I’m sure he thinks I was kidnapped by someone.”

“Don’t worry, we will straighten it out.”

I couldn’t argue with him. He looked like he hadn’t slept in weeks. He held my hand and we walked up the stairs to the room he had his things in. It looked like he had just arrived at the house because nothing was unpacked. I noticed a bathroom off to the side of the room and a small closet on the other side. Probably out of habit, Chris looked through both parts of the room before he pulled the covers back on the bed.

He was about to get into bed and I grabbed his hand. He was filthy; he obviously hadn’t showered or slept in a long time. But I knew he would feel better if he took a shower. I grabbed his hand and dragged him to the bathroom. He came with me reluctantly.

Chapter 43

His normal, arrogant self was gone and instead, a gentle and kind man stood in front of me. He didn’t have the energy to be tough. Instead, he stood there and let me unbutton his pants and slide them off of him.

I grabbed his shirt and pulled it up over his head and then took the rest of his clothes off. He stood there without talking and just waited as I turned the shower on and got it to just the right temperature. I opened the door and nudged him into the shower and dirty brown filled the floor as the water washed over his body.

I took my clothes off and got into the shower with him. I grabbed a bunch of shampoo and filled my hand. I let it pour onto his head and I scrubbed his hair and even his beard with it. I used my soapy hands to rub up and down his body and clean as much of the dirt off of him as possible. Chris stood there with his eyes closed as my hands moved over him. I turned him around and let my hands continue to move over his back and down his legs. Then I reached around and let my hand maneuver his cock. I could feel him let out a breath when my hand wrapped around him and he leaned forward against the shower wall to steady himself.

I didn’t keep going though. Instead, I let my hands move around his body again and rinse off all of the soap that I had applied. I used the warm water and moved it around his body until all the dirt looked like it was finally gone.

The muscles on his body were beyond that of any person I had ever seen. Even though I had seen them and touched them before, his body still kept me in awe. It was like every single muscle was at its peak. As my hands moved over his calf and thighs, I didn’t feel an ounce of fat. His body was almost pure muscle. My hands moved up to his ass and I felt the power of his glutes as they formed a perfectly round ass. Then I moved up to his back and let my hands glide over all the muscles that extended around his torso.

Suddenly he turned around and kissed me.

The passion in his eyes made my body melt. Chris pinned me up against the side of the shower and let his hands move over my body. His fingers lingered over each of my nipples and then moved around to grab my ass and pull me toward him.

I felt his body enlarge as he pressed up against me. My hand instinctively wrapped around his cock and moved up and down as I enjoyed his throbbing member. My breath quickened with desire. The warm water lapped against my skin and his hands moved smoothly over the water to all areas of my body. I closed my eyes and took in the moment.

He seemed to have gotten a sudden burst of energy and turned off the shower and threw open the curtain. He grabbed a towel and wrapped it around his waist and then lifted me up out of the shower. I dripped water everywhere as he brought me to bed. He took his towel off and laid it on the bed and then threw me onto the towel.

His eyes devoured me as he stood over me. The animalistic look in his eyes was more than I could take. I broke his gaze and turned away. Chris climbed into bed next to me and I prepared myself to be taken by him. I wanted him to ravage me. I wanted to feel his hard cock thrusting inside of me. I wanted to moan out in pleasure with each thrust that he delivered.

He lay on his side and pulled my ass up against him. I felt his hard cock resting in the crease of my ass cheeks. We lay there in the spoon position and he wrapped his arms around me. The exhaustion must have gotten the best of him because he kissed the back of my neck and pulled the covers up over our naked bodies.

I loved that he had the will power to wait. Instead of some half-hearted love making, he was man enough to lie next to me and got to sleep. That was admirable and something I doubted many other men would be able to do. I didn’t mind at all, not making love. It felt so good to have his arms wrapped around me. Each of his long, strong arms made their way around my body and almost back to him. I felt like a small little thing next to his massive muscles. But I felt safe. No matter what else happened in the future, at that moment I felt safe and that was all that mattered.

I closed my eyes and was set to get some sleep, but it just wouldn’t come. Chris seemed to have a very rough sleep, and I wondered what he dreamed about. His body jerked and moved throughout the night and woke me up several times when I would drift off to sleep. He seemed to be having nightmares and fought off bad guys while he slept. I finally found a period between his nightmares when I was able to fully fall asleep. My body was exhausted and I felt it release into relaxation as I fell fast asleep.

I woke up to a hard shove and I was thrown from the bed onto the ground. I screamed out in shock and grabbed my face. It took me a moment to figure out what had just happened and I looked around to get oriented. I was all the way on the ground on the other side of the bed. I really didn’t know how I had gotten that far over, but I felt like I had been it really hard in the face. I looked up at Chris and he had woken up from my scream.

It took us both a couple moments before we had figured out what had happened. He had thrown me from the bed in the midst of a nightmare and his hand had hit me on the side of my face. The pain was intense, but I didn’t cry. I had never been it before. It took me awhile to realize what the pain was. I held my hand against my face. I just looked up at Chris in bewilderment.

Chris jumped from the bed and came to my side.

“Are you alright? I was having a nightmare. I’m so sorry.”

“I’m fine. Just startled me. I won’t die.”

Chris looked horrified at what had happened. He pulled my hand away from my face and looked at the red mark on my cheek. Luckily he had been half asleep when he hit me, I doubted that I would still be conscious if he had really hit me with all his strength.

“Oh God, Katelyn I’m so sorry.”