Chapter 28

I followed Chris for the whole drive back to town and I felt like he was purposely driving slowly. Otherwise, he drives like an old lady. I had always been a slower driver, but since we were just getting started I would have driven faster to keep up with him. After following him to the airport the other day though, I knew he typically was not so cautious and probably was just driving slow for me. It made me smile to think that he was thinking about me on his drive back to town.

When we both parked our cars in our garages, we met in between them to say goodnight. It was almost midnight and I was exhausted. I certainly knew I would be asleep in only a few minutes after I got to bed.

“Well goodnight,” Chris said as he hugged me.

“Night.” I turned to walk back to my house but then stopped to look at him. “Do you want to come over?”

He didn’t hesitate at all and was standing right next to me within three seconds. His enthusiasm over the invitation to come visit my house was really exciting to him.

“I think that’s a perfect idea,” Chris said as we walked into my house.

“I don’t know how exciting and fun I’ll be, I’m pretty tired.”

“Well, I would be happy to just lay next to you for the night.”

And that is exactly what we did. Both of us were so tired, we lay down on the bed and fell asleep on top of the covers, fully dressed, our bodies on top of the comforter and fully dressed in our shorts and t-shirts from the night before. It was the first time I was going to bed with Chris without having sex. That wasn’t something I had even thought about after our first meeting. But now I was starting to get closer to him and this was just one more step in that direction.

Somewhere in the middle of the night Chris and I moved under the covers because the draft from the old house was just too much. It was nice to fall asleep next to Chris. The feeling of being next to him made it so much easier for me to actually get some sleep. Just before dawn I woke up to Chris peering out the window at his house. He was hiding from someone and just barely had the blinds open.

“What’s going on?” I said as I got up from the bed, still dressed in my shorts and t-shirt from the day before.

“I think someone is in my house.”

I came close and was about to look through the blinds, but Chris grabbed my hand.

“Let me see. What is going on? Why would someone be in your house?”

Chris just ignored my questions and dialed a number on his phone. I thought it would be 911 to have someone come and investigate. Although, living in Bain meant the nearest Sheriff or police officer could be a half an hour away. There just was not a need to have more than a couple officers on duty in the county at any one time.

“They are here. How fast can you get here?” Chris said to someone on his phone.

“Who is here?” I said as I went to the other window to try and look out.

I continued to keep the curtains closed to prevent the people at Chris’ house from seeing that I was watching them. He was right, there were people in his house. I could see the curtains moving, just like the other day when I thought I saw someone in there.

“While you were gone I thought I saw someone in your house. I came into my house and waited to see if I saw the movement again, but I did not.”

“What day?”

“I think it was the night you left town.”


Chris went back to talking to the people on his phone. I couldn’t make out everything he was saying, but it sounded like he was trying to get them to come to his house.

“If their team could help out today that would be great. Send them down as soon as possible.”

I stood at the window and continued to look between Chris and his house. I didn’t know what was going on, but I could see the tension and change in Chris and I felt like there was something pretty dangerous about to go down.

“I need you to trust me. Do you trust me Katelyn?” Chris said intently.


“I need you to get into the closet and not to come out. Even if you hear something horrible. Even if it’s been thirty minutes and you haven’t heard from me. I need you to stay in the closet until I come back for you. Can you do that?”

I looked at him and tried to take in everything he was saying. I hadn’t hid in a closet since I was in elementary school. What could possibly be going on that it would be necessary for me to hide in my closet? I didn’t see why I couldn’t just stay in my room. Certainly the people robbing his house weren’t going to come over to my house. Or at least that’s what I thought.