It wasn’t really a question and I didn’t wait for the response. I walked naked up the stairs and moved deliberately slow. I let my ass move from side to side with each step I took.

His eyes burned hot on me as I walked away and I knew with certainty that he would be joining me in the shower. His desire was palpable through the air and I felt him moving only a few short steps behind me as I got to the top step. When I turned the water on in the shower, he was already right behind me.

Sex in the shower had never really been my thing. It seemed dangerous to me, too must slippery water and too little room to move around. I strategically avoided letting things get out of control and instead, just enjoyed having him close to me.

He poured soap into this hands and rubbed them together. They lathered up and Chris brought the suds over to my body. As I washed my hair his hands started to massage my breasts and move down my body. Soon he slipped a hand between my legs and I opened my eyes. His lips moved in quickly and I tried to avoid them by turning my head. I should have known better than to try and avoid his advances. Within moments I was wrapped up in his soapy arms and kissing him. His body reacted to mine and I could feel his hard cock pressed up against me.

I finished rinsing my hair and tried to rinse off the soap from my body. Slowly I got out of the shower and wrapped myself in a towel. I stood at the door to the bathroom.

“Let’s go cowboy, I want to go for a ride.”

Chris peeked his head out from the shower and I opened my towel to flash him my naked body. Then I quickly made my way to the bed and got under the warm covers. I waited for him to come from the shower after I heard it turn off. I waited and waited and waited, but he didn’t seem to be coming. I pulled the covers off and was about to get out of bed when Chris pounced on me from beside the bed.

“Shit!” I screamed. “How the hell did you get out here?”

He didn’t wait for me to respond and instead fell onto the bed and pulled me down on top of him.

“I believe there is a cowgirl around here who wanted to go for a ride.”

“Mmmm, yes there is.”

I looked down at his cock and it was raging hard again. I needed to feel myself on top of him. Just as I was about to slide on him and give him a good cowgirl show, his phone rang from downstairs. Chris jump up and flipped me over onto the bed. He seemed to be in a huge hurry and darted down the stairs totally naked.

I went down after him to see what the big deal was. Even if it was an important call, was it really so important that he couldn’t call them back? I got to the bottom of the stairs and tried to listen in on what he was saying, but he moved into the bathroom and shut the door.

I could have continued to try and listen to his call, but instead decided to go to the kitchen and make some breakfast. My mind was racing though, thinking about who he was talking to that was so important. It seemed odd, but then again; nothing about the situation with Chris seemed normal.

When he was off his phone call, Chris slipped his jeans on and came into the kitchen. I stood naked and was preparing pancakes for us to eat. I had not made pancakes in years. My health-conscious mind had always thought they were too full of carbs and calories. But as we sat down and I ate the first batch of pancakes, I was instantly transported to when I was a child.

“Now this has got to be the best breakfast I have ever had,” Chris said as he sat down at the island counter.

“You haven’t even tasted anything yet.”

“Hmmm no I haven’t. I should taste something.” His eyes fixated on my pussy and I couldn’t help feel myself get a little embarrassed. I could still remember very vividly his tongue on me the night we first slept together. It was absolutely delightful.

“Here are some pancakes, taste these for now.”

He looked disappointed, but then delved into the pancakes. By this time it was well into the evening and starting to get dark. I’m not sure why I had decided on making pancakes, except for my body clock was so off from the sex we had been having all night long.

“These are some delicious pancakes,” he said as he shoveled more and more of them into his mouth. I couldn’t make pancakes fast enough to fill him up, but I kept trying.

“Do you want any more?”

“Oh no, but there is something else I want.” He looked at my wetness again. “But since I can’t have that right now, how about you give me your phone number?”

I smiled at how adorable he was. He was sweet and sexy and I had totally forgot I was still mad at him.

“Well what if you don’t have a phone again for two weeks?” I said with a wink.

“I’ll try harder this time.”

There was something in how he said that which made me think he actually would have to try pretty hard to get away from his work and call me.

Chapter 18

“So are you going to tell me what you do for work?” I asked.

“I would tell you but then I’d have to kill you,” Chris said in his best James Bond voice.