Out of the corner of my eye I could swear I just saw the light in Chris’s back room turn off and the shade on the window moving.

“Me too, I’m really glad Rebecca thought to hook us up. It’s really hard to find decent woman out in the country. Most are either too young, too old, or married,” Rob laughed.

I didn’t know for sure, but I thought Chris was watching me from his window. I could feel myself getting nervous and although I wasn’t originally planning on kissing Rob goodnight, I decided it would be worth it if Chris was watching.

I’m not sure why I thought me kissing some other guy would be so awesome, but I just didn’t want Chris to win this battle. I didn’t know if he was watching for sure or not. But if he was, I was going to make sure he knew I didn’t care at all about him disappearing. I was perfectly able to get my own date and didn’t need to worry about his arrogance at all.

“Yeah, I’m glad too,” I said as I leaned against my front door.

I gave Rob a flirtations look; it was a slight flutter of my eye lashes with a little biting of my lower lip. He couldn’t refuse me. Within seconds he had moved in for a kiss.

Normally I wouldn’t get super devoted to a good night kiss. I usually liked them to be quick and passionate. Just enough to test out our chemistry. This time I was going to have to go all out. If I was going to make Chris see that I didn’t need him, I was going to have to really kiss Rob.

I wrapped my arms around his neck and let my hands run through his blonde hair. It was soft and I couldn’t help but enjoy this moment a little bit. Rob was an excellent kisser. His lips moved in perfect harmony with mine and I could feel him readjusting his body and trying to stay just a couple inches away from me. Likely so I couldn’t tell just how hard he was with excitement. Slowly I let my hands go down to his back and then move back up. He was a very fit guy and built with plenty of muscles. Not nearly as many as Chris, but certainly still in very good shape.

As we continued to k

iss, I couldn’t help but imagine Chris watching me and getting jealous. It served him right for being such an ass to me. I didn’t know for sure if he was watching, but I had a sneaking suspicious that he was. There was just a feeling that I had and I wanted to make sure Chris knew I didn’t need him. I was an independent woman; I didn’t need to wait around for Chris to call. I wanted him to call so I could get to know him better. But since he didn’t bother to do that I figured I would just get to know Rob better.

“Best first date ever!” Rob exclaimed as we finally stopped kissing.

I just smiled and tried to look over at Chris’s house to see if I saw any movement. But it looked pretty quiet over there.

“It was very nice. You make sure and call me sometime,” I said as I opened my front door. We said our goodbyes and Rob made his way back to his car. I sat down on the stairs just inside my doorway as I thought about our date. He really was a nice guy. If I had met him before Chris, I would have been very excited.

The problem was, I had met Chris. The sexual fireworks that were between us was so much more than I could have ever imagined. I certainly couldn’t move on with someone else unless I found that sort of connection again. I took my shoes off and was about to zip myself out of my dress and go upstairs when there was a knock at my door.

Chapter 15

“Hey Rob, did you forget something?” I said as I opened the door.

It wasn’t Rob; instead I was face to face with Chris.

“So you went on a date?”


“Alright. So he looked like a douchebag.”

“Well you don’t know him.” I could feel myself getting angrier.

“I doubt you know him either.”

My pulse got faster as I could feel the anger building up inside of me. Who was he to come and talk to me about my date? He had totally ignored me for the past two weeks. It was his fault I even went on a date in the first place.

“Really? Really? You’re going to throw up an attitude when you disappeared for two weeks without as much as a phone call.”

Chris narrowed his eyes onto me and I felt them soften up just a touch. He pressed into my house and shut the door behind him.

“I’m sorry. I was out of town on work.”

“Hmmm, the last time I checked the entire country had phone service and you even carry around a little thing in your pocket called a cell phone.”

I was getting angry and I could feel it. But for some reason Chris just smiled at me. It was like he was antagonizing me to get angrier.

“Yes, but when I work I can’t have my phone with me.”

“Oh my god. That’s a great excuse. Do all the women you bang and then leave get to hear this same pile of bullshit?”