“It was,” I smiled.

I then pulled my camera up and clicked a photo of him standing over me. It was an innocent photo, just for fun. The look that filled his eyes was nothing at all fun though.

“Delete it,” he demanded.

“Oh why, you look so chivalrous coming to my rescue,” I joked.

The joke did not sit well with him at all. A scowl came across his face and his eyes hardened. I really had no choice but to delete it. I was no match for him.

“Thank you.”

His face softened right back up the second I deleted the photo.

“I don’t think I can walk, my ankle is hurt.”

“Well, I’m sure we can figure something out.”

Without another word, his arms swept under me and lifted me up. I held on for dear life and he made fast work of descending the large hill. His power was more than I could have imagined by looking at him, or even when I touched him. Each muscle moved precisely with the others and he seemed to not even need to look out for the trees. He moved with large steps around all the obstacles until we reached the bottom of the hill.

“I can try walking from here so you can rest,” I said as I saw sweat forming on his brow.

“That’s ridiculous. Just hang on, we’ll be home soon.”

He didn’t even consider my idea. His arms continued to hold me firmly against his body as he made his way down the sidewalk back toward our homes. I watched him as he walked and there was a determination in his face that I had not seen on another person ever. I know that I must have been heavy by now. Even my tiny frame would wear on a normal person. Chris seemed a little superhuman. His muscles bulged as he walked with big strides. It took about ten minutes and we were finally at my door.

“Set me down, I can walk from here.”

“Where’s your key?”

“It’s unlocked.”

“Really Katelyn, you leave your door unlocked in the middle of the night?”

He scowled me again, but I just smiled as he brought me in and set me down on the couc

h. I waited for him to sit down next to me. He had to have been exhausted, but he never stopped to rest. Instead, he went to the bathroom and looked through the cabinets, coming back with my small first aid kit.

“How bad is it?” I asked as he looked at my head.

“You’ll live,” he smiled.

I sat there with my lips only inches away from his stomach as he stood and cleaned up my head cut. Every part of me yearned to let my lips touch his body. I imagined the salty taste of his sweat on my lips.

I licked my lips.

“Don’t move, I’m cleaning this.”

“I’m sorry,” I smiled as I looked up at him.

“Stop smiling. You could have been really hurt.”

“I’m sorry.”

He finished up with my head and moved to my ankle. As he pushed on it, and maneuvered it, I didn’t feel like it was as bad as I first thought.

“Severely bruised and possibly sprained, but I don’t think it’s broken.”

“Thank you,” I said as I licked my lips again.