"Take my car," the young man said. "Black Mustang out back. Looks like junk, but she drives fast."

I grabbed the car keys he held up and raced out the back door. The black Mustang roared to life and I tore through the back streets of Vegas. I turned the lights off and coasted along when I reached the other boxing gym. I was sure the owner knew the men trying to fix my fight. If he didn't know where they took Kya, the least he would know was how to contact them. I parked the car out of sight and rolled up my sleeves as I marched to the door.

The gym owner had the misfortune of walking out right as I charged in. I grabbed him by his shirtfront and slammed him against the plate glass window.

"Where is she? What have they done to her?" I asked.

"Nothing, I don't know. I mean, they won't do anything to her. She's leverage, right? If you lose the fight like they ask, then she'll be fine." He held up both hands and I saw them tremble.

I let go of his shirt with one hand, intended to pound more information out of him, but my phone rang. "Hello?"

"Mr. Morris, I don't think I've ever formally introduced myself. My name is Mr. Winchester."

I recognized the sly voice of the man in the suit. "What have you done with Kya? I better hear her voice in the next ten seconds," I said.

"Fenton? I'm sorry. I was just trying to do something nice for you, get your phone," Kya said.

"Did they hurt you? Where are you?" I asked.

"I'm fine, I'll be fine. Just stay away. Win your fight. They're not going to do anything to me," she said.

I clenched my fist and punched a hole in the wall near the terrified gym owner's head. "I can't let anything happen to you."

"Then, lose the fight, Mr. Morris. It is as simple as that," Mr. Winchester said. The line went dead.

I turned back to the gym owner and his eyes rolled back as I tightened my grip on his shirt. "Where are they?"

"I don't know. I don't know what's going on," he whimpered.

Realization swept over me, and the alarmed ringing in my ears stopped. "Yes, you do. You knew they took her. I did not even have to explain what I meant. You knew they took her and planned to hold her for leverage. Tell me where they are and I won't flatten your skull."

"I don't know. I don't want anything to do with them. They've got leverage over me, too, man. They know where my kids go to school."

I watched his eyes and saw them dart back and forth between me and a scuffed door near the back of the gym. I dropped him and headed towards the door. I kept my steps light. When I cracked open the door and saw the staircase leading down, it confirmed what I thought– there was a basement and somewhere down there, they were holding Kya.

One look was all it took to silence the gym owner. He nodded and went to the door, opened it and closed it. From downstairs it would sound as if I had left. He then shuffled back to his office, slammed the door, and locked it.

I took the steps one at a time. Easing my weight onto each one stopped them from creaking. Downstairs, I could hear voices.

"This is not what I signed up for."

"Stop complaining, Toby. You can have the girl if the fighter doesn't lose."

"Don't be disgusting, Winchester."

"Oh, come on, you were so happy when she hit on you at the bar. Doesn't it bother you she just did it to make Fenton Morris jealous?"

I saw Winchester's shiny suit. The tall man in black, Toby, leaned on the far wall with his chiseled arms crossed. Kya sat on a stack of gym mats, her wrists tied together, a bandana tied into her mouth.

"She was just using you," Winchester continued. "And, that's all we're doing. The fighter loses, we collect a fortune on the spread, and she goes free."

"And, what happens if she goes straight for the police?" Toby asked. "I didn't sign up to do time for kidnapping."

I ducked as Toby's brown eyes swept up the stairs near where I crouched. He stood up and faced his boss. "I'm thinking I should just walk out of here right now."

"Don't be stupid. I mean, you are stupid, but try a little harder. I know you're not a kidnapper and you've got a soft spot for the pretty lady there. If you take a step up those stairs, I can't promise I won't get to know her a lot better."

Bile rose up in my throat. I was going to kill Winchester. Across the room, Toby felt the same, but did not move. The two men faced off. Behind them, I saw Kya slip out of her restraints. She leapt down from the stack of gym mats and ran for the stairs.