He was wearing a t-shirt and looked very casual in a hotel room. I couldn’t help but smile at the effort he was making to stay in touch. I also couldn’t help but wish I was in that hotel room with him. I bit my lip as thoughts of him naked rushed through my mind. His smoldering brown eyes looked at me as if I was the only woman in the world. It felt good, but it felt like he could tell exactly what I was thinking.

“Where are you?”


“Doing anything fun?” I didn’t want to come out and ask exactly what he did for work or why he was in Chicago, but I desperately wanted to know.

“Nope. How about you? That’s a sexy top, let me see it.”

I was out in my garage and wearing a torn up old t-shirt. I had gotten it while visiting Paris and it always gave me inspiration. I set my phone on the table in my garage and took a few steps back.

“It’s nothing but a rag,” I said.

“Yes, it’s horrible. Take it off.” Chris leaned closer to his camera and smiled.

I lifted my t-shirt up over my head and threw it to the other corner of the garage. Chris’ jaw instantly dropped. His eye widened like he hadn’t really expected me to do it. Come to think of it, I didn’t think I would either. Slowly I moved back toward the camera and let my fingers play with one of my nipples. I moved in nice and close so Chris could see what I was doing. He still had not said a single thing since I took my shirt off.

“Mmmm, I wish your lips were right here,” I said as I let my finger circle around my hard nipple.

“You don’t know how bad I wish my lips were there too.”

“Show me,” I said.

It was fun to play this game. Chris could only see my breasts at the moment and couldn’t see my face. It gave me a weird sense of confidence that I had never really felt before. I certainly would not have felt this confident if I was standing right in front of him.

“Oh you can’t handle seeing this,” Chris said in his usual cocky tone.

“You’re right. I better just get dressed and get back to my displays.”

I looked at the screen and there he was, sitting in some hotel room chair with his cock out in his hand. The camera watched as his hand slid up and down the shaft and I got wet just seeing him.

“When will you be back?” I asked as I picked the camera up and moved it to my face. I bit my lip slightly and licked my lips at the thought of feeling him inside of me again soon.

“I’ll be there for your art show. I promise.”

Chris moved the camera back up to his face and I suddenly felt embarrassed now. His chiseled jaw and defined muscular torso made me nervous. I could feel the flush of red taking over my face.

“I’m really nervous. I’ve never had a show as big as this one.”

“Don’t worry, people will love you,” Chris said confidently.

“What are you doing in Chicago?”

“Just work stuff. Nothing exciting.”

“I really am so nervous about this show. I’m afraid I’ll get there and no one else will show up. Or worse yet, people will show up and say the photos are terrible. I don’t know if I can take that kind of rejection.”

“You’ll be great. I’m going to get going. See you in a few days,” Chris said and he was quickly off of the call. It struck me that I felt bonded to Chris. We had not known each other for long and I certainly did not know much about him. I felt somewhat different about us after our conversation. I still wanted to find out all of his secrets, but I was alright waiting for a little bit if that is what he needed.

I finished putting one of the frames together for a picture and then made my way inside. As I walked across my yard, I thought I saw a light turn off from inside Chris’ house. I watched patiently from the comfort of my living room, just to see if anything unusual happened. I wanted to see if anyone else was coming or going from his house. He certainly had not talked about anyone being at his home, but then again he might not want to share that information until necessary. I continued to watch his house and felt like I was going crazy. No lights turned on or off and there certainly did not seem to be anyone running around outside. There wasn’t even a car around. After walking around the house and checking all the door locks and windows, I headed upstairs to my room.

For some reason, I felt scared. I had lived in my grandparent’s house on and off for years, and not once had I ever felt afraid while I was there. My instinct was that someone was watching me from afar and I either needed to confront them or pretend like I didn’t notice them. Unfortunately, I had no idea what I should do or if there was even a person out there that was watching me.

Chapter 22

“So tell me more about this mysterious neighbor man,” Rebecca said as she and Robert helped me bring my pictures to the art gallery.

“There’s nothing much to tell. He’s a mystery man.” I said and then laughed.